I recently started studying the JST's that we have and the the Community of Christ has and have realized that they (Community of Christ) have not used all of the JST's in their Holy Scriptures of course we don't use all of them also. Did Joseph Smith Jr. finish them. I'm interested in hearing from other people who have some good imput into this topic.
I don't know for sure but this is going from memory. He did not finish the JST because it was not his purpose to. He did only that which was required for us. Remember that t efulness of the gospel is in the Book of Mormon and that the Bible as we know it now was put together at first by King James' scholars. These men were not given authority from God so therefor only chose books that they thought we needed.
I just started reading the inspired version myself about two weeks ago. Joseph Smith attempted to finish the new translation at least three times. The reason that the church has not accepted the inspired version as the authorized version is because Joseph was never able to finish the translation. I think that it is so incredible that he was able to get as far as he did. Think of the expansion of important doctrines that he brought to light in the first few chapters of Genesis alone. Incredible. It's interesting to note that Joseph's son, Joseph Smith III, continued to work on completing the work of the translation which the Church of Christ had voted to accept many years ago. I think that Joseph III said that the translation was then complete.
Any additions that Joseph Smith III made was not inspired. Brigham Young tried to translate the Bible and was forbidden. Why would God allow someone who was not a prophet to "finish" translating, when he wouldn't allow his prophet.
Second, I believe that it has been finished or else Joseph Smith Jr. would not of been taken. He need to finish his work. Now it's up to us to find all the corrections that he made that wasn't part of the original manuscript.
Here is the official position from the Church along with a link for reference. Notice the part in bold.
A revision or translation of the King James Version of the Bible begun by the Prophet Joseph Smith in June 1830. He was divinely commissioned to make the translation and regarded it as "a branch of his calling" as a prophet. Although the major portion of the work was completed by July 1833, he continued to make modifications while preparing a manuscript for the press until his death in 1844, and it is possible that some additional modifications would have been made had he lived to publish the entire work. Some parts of the translation were published during his lifetime.
Ref. https://scriptures.lds.org/bdj/jsphsmth
Thanks JB, leave up to you to bring this in. Awesome. While going through some old writings I found some teachings of The Prophets that confirms what you just added. Further more I have started adding them all up and while there aren't that many the doctrinal info is outstanding.
Since you made such a definite statement I had to do some research to see if he was indeed finished. Considering that the Book of Mormon has had some word changes since its translation by Joseph I would not doubt that it would need additional material to become more 'perfect'(?). When you make your compilation please feel free to post your findings here.
Offtopic but, Please check your intro thread for more info. |
Just for the record, I never said that the translation by Joseph Smith III was inspired. I just thought that it would add to the evidence that Joseph Smith Jr. never felt the translation was complete. In 1833 Joseph Smith Jr. did write "I completed the translation and review of the New Testament...and sealed it up, no more to be opened till it arrived in Zion" but in 1867 Emma Smith said "My heart is made glad by your report of your progress in the translation as you know something of my fears with regard to its publication, on account of what your father said about the unfinished condition of the work." Though Joseph Smith Jr. marked the New Testament as complete, I still believe, along with many church historians and apparently Brigham Young as well, that the Old Testament remains uncomplete. This in no way diminishes the work that Joseph brought about in his translation. That he was able to bring to light so many of the covenants the the Lord made with the ancient saints only reaffirms the testimony I have of his calling as prophet, seer, and revelator.