Many war heroes came out of World War I, but for an entire group to be honored in such high regards was a different story. For an all African American unit to be honored was even more rare in a still divided country over racism. The 369th Infantry fought in WWI and came out of the war with a very highly respected reputation.
The military was not integrated during this time, and so the regiment was put under French command since the French did not hold the same prejudices as the American flag did.
This regiment spent 191 hours on the front lines. On average, a unit would not spend more than 30 hours on the front line because of the health and psychological damage that could be done. Not only were they recognized for their time, but for the effective way they fought against the Germans. Many were injured and several were killed, but nobody from their unit was ever taken prisoner, and they never lost any ground.
The French awarded the 369th Regiment with their highest medal of honor. The story of their bravery and accomplishments are often left out of American books, but their stories are much alive in France.
Its amazing, but most sites I have found have been from a french point of view and not an american point of view. I have found lots of sites in French (translated view google) that mention the 369th has hero's of the war. They made an everlasting impact on the war and the French people. They are one of the few that never gave up ground.