Sony Corp. Took the wraps off its newest video game console Monday, showing off for the first time a system that boasts supercomputer-like power and the versatility of a cabinet full of home electronics. Ref.,1249,...34428,00.html
This machine is the entire reason I have not purchased the X-box 360 nor have I purchased a new Playstation 2 after I have mine to my sister. I am very fond of Playstation systems and from everything that I have heard previously and now read about in this launch letter as well as a few others I believe that my wait is going to be well rewarded.
GO PS3! this is a super machine I will buy (hope I can afford) but the only problem is that you need a HDTV to see the max graphics also sony is probably going to the same as she did with ps2 selling you a console with 1 controller and no memory card and because this machine has more equipment to it, it will cost you double then the store price (speculation).
I have recently heard that there is another delay with the PS3, and now it could be 3rd/4th quarter of '06
I have perchased the 360 and will get the PS3 on release as both have great games that will be exclusive to them, at least in the short term.
I am fed up of waiting for this machine to come out over here in England. The PS3 is said to do all but fly but will it contest with the xbox360. Thats some pretty tough competition.
People pining for the sleek PlayStation 3 gaming console might find shortages on eBay as well.
About 100 out of shape, game playing, PS3 owning wanna-bee's race across a parking lot to land into 1 of 10 chairs. What could possibly go wrong?
I can think of a few less intelligent ideas for deciding who gets to buy, but not too many. I hope the lawsuits (and you know there will be) exceed the profits off selling the 10 PS3's.
Folks, it is just a game machine!
The launch of Sony's PlayStation 3 next month will be accompanied by a
host of freebies that Sony hopes will take the sting out of the game console's $1,199.99 price tag.