Extraterrestrial, the show aired recently showed two possibilities for "Earth-like" planets.
Saying that around the year 2020 we might possibly find planets similar to the ones depicted in the show. The first planet, with it's animal/plant and killer fish was somewhat hard to picture. But somehow the second planet was easier to agree with, having relatively stable orbit, yet no rotation. The creatures were more fascinating (so I found) especially since the tree forest was a lot like an ocean.
I would like to know which planet was your favorite, if you think it believable, and why.
This thread is about the show, anything about it. What did you find interesting? Shocking? Realistic? Unrealistic? I would like to leave it pretty open ended, I suppose the main topic would be 'Did the show Extraterrestrial create believable scenarios about life on other planets?'
Here is a link to an interactive site about the two planets, provided by National Geographic.