The Church of Scotland's Scandal
By Dennis Prager
Earlier this month, the Church of Scotland issued a report titled "The Inheritance of Abraham? A Report on the 'Promised Land.'"
The essence of the report is that according to the Bible, Jews have no more attachment to the land of Israel than anyone else. Hence "Promised land" Is in quotation marks in the report's title -- because there is no promised land."
In the report's words: "The New Testament contains a radical re-interpretation of the concepts of 'Israel,' 'temple,' 'Jerusalem' and 'land.' When the Bible mentions 'Israel,' it does not mean Israel; when it says 'temple,' the Bible does not mean the Jewish temple; 'Jerusalem' does not mean the city of Jerusalem; and 'land' does not mean land. Ref. Source 3
Church of Scotland agrees to reword report on Israeli settlements:
The Church of Scotland has moved to defuse a furious row with Jewish leaders and the Israeli government after agreeing to change a controversial report on Israeli settlements. Ref. Source 6