Standards for enlisting foster children in federal medical experiments vary widely among the states, and the Bush administration is examining how best to protect "the most vulnerable in our population," a top government health official says.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/HEALTH/conditions/...s.ap/index.html
The fact that this issue is even up for debate should sicken people. Since when do we allow experiments on children simply because they are not wanted? Each of these children should be looked at as if they where our own before ever making a judgement call on this. I would never allow my own children to have this done to them, and thus cannot condone it with foster children. Someone has to love and care for these children. Someone has to stand up for them if no one else will.
My thoughts exactly... why doesn't someone investigate the already malfunctioning Department of Children and Families and what the Bush administration is doing to fix it. This sorta goes along the lines of the prisoners being used for medical experiments. I guess because these children are under the care of the government, they think they can use them as lab rats. I know the importance of research and experiment, but why single out foster kids here? The health risk is the same for them as it is for children in their own biological households. What I didn't see is when this exactly started, and how long has it taken for them to realize this?
This is one of those jaw-dropping news stories. I was just stunned at first, and then I thought, well, of course. It's not beyond the scope of reality for drug companies to perform clinical trials on pregnant women in "third-world" countries, why should I be surprised that our government is using children in our own country for experiments? Also not surprising is that it wasn't a big issue until some AP reporter ran a story about it -- *now* it's getting scrutiny by the government.
Kudos to the states that have prevented the practice. I'd like to find out which states they are, besides Wisconsin that was noted in the article.
I think it is necessary to try experiemental drugs on children. However, I don't think it should be done without the child's best interests being first.
Generally, these trials are run on children who have certain conditions. For example, someone does have to be the first child to try a new antidepressant or new cancer drug.
If it is your child, you consider the benefits and the possible negative side effects when making a decision. There needs to be an advocate for foster children to do this for them before they are given these drugs.
I was raised with foster kids. I know how they feel and how they think that they are dirt and noone wants them. My parents have been in foster care since before I can remember. I have seen some really screwed up kids. SOme of them came around and others did not. The fact that the government is willing to put them up to "experimental" drugs does not surprise me with every thing that is going on with foster care. I hope that someone somewhere takes a stand and speaks for these kids because I know social services will not.
I have some friends like this and people dont know how tough it is. Just think you are told you have to lie with people and their rules and you just cant fit in, its like being in a jail. A lot of the times they runaway cause of it.