Bush & Kerry Related - Genealogy
Isn't it interesting? I guess if we can go back far enough, we're all related.
You'd be surprized how many peple you are related to if you go back far enough. Click on the link below for more info.
Yes... we are all related if we go back far enough...
One of these 3 is our ancestoral father... Ham, Shem, and Jepheth. As you study their geneologies, cross referencing their ancient names to the names of modern peoples... you get quite an eye opener.
I saw where someone said they tracked their ancestry back to Adam. From Noah... we all can to a degree, but I found some descrepency. Would love to talk to that person. Be that as it may, pure lines do not exist and because of all the cross-hatched geneological escapades of our ancestors, I would be surprised if I were related to some big shot.
But with me... well... other than finding Biblical geneological study intriguing for what God wants to say through those listed in the Bible... I'm not that interested and don't feel that bad about it because of comlplex extrapolations that are not relevent (1 Tim 1:4 / Titus 3:9) to the bottom line... Charity and an intimant relationship with God.