I just fininshed reading Eragon. Has anyone else read this book?
Is it me, or do you think it is just a reworded Lord of the Rings?
It is a good read, and imagine a 15/16 year old wrote it. But I still felt like I was reading Lord of the Rings again. Let me know what you think?
QUOTE (msslmshdy30 @ 15-Dec 03, 7:40 AM) |
Would you let me know who the author is and I will see if I can pick up a copy at the library and check it out. |
Thanks bunches AGene. I will head to the library tomorrow and check and see if I can find it. Also thanks for the added info about the author. So Eragon would be the first book in the series, then huh? But I will check it out and see if it does sound like a rip off of the LOTR.
I never read lord of the rings. I tried to several times but never got sucked in so i moved on. I loved the movies though. I have read Eragon and LOVED it. it is infact one of my faveroite books! It might be like the LOTR books, but I would not know. just thought I'd give a bit of useless info that no one can ever do anything with... my job is done...
Yes, Yes. I do agree. Very much like lord of the rings. ALso a lot there from the DragonRiders of Pern series. He even repeated some phrases like "fly, you fools..." and I spotted another one, I just forgot. Also, I felt like the book lacks some sense of purpose. Many times I just stopped and thought "wait, why is he doing all of this?" Only in the middle does he actually start having a purpose.
Um, on a different note, when is the second one going to be published?