The Bible names the Jews as the Lord's Chosen people so would that make a Jew-Christian (someone that has the blood of Israel flowing through his veins and is a Christian) somehow greater than a Gentile-Christian (someone that has no direct blood line from Israel)? Why or why not?
"Chosen People"... for what Purpose? Not for 'salvation' as that is not automatic.
As I understand the Bible, the Jews were called to do two things... One: Preserve the written record of God and Two: Take the truth of God to the nations.
The first they did well... very well. The second, they did not do well, save for the prophets.
All true believers in Truth (Yeshua) and Tanakh (OT) are grafted in. It's not about blood. Abraham was the father of faith. I am a 'son of Abraham' adopted into the household of Israel by faith.
I guess I've said enough.