When I was young (10-11 years old) I had some romanian movie posters in my room. I didn't had to buy them ... I got them from a neighbor who worked at a theatre. At this age I think it would be kind of unusual for me to hang movie posters in my room, but after a few years, when my daughter will grow, I wouldn't mind seing movie posters in her room.
I have thought about having a movie theme in the basement of my next home. I would purchase posters of my favorite movies and place them on the walls. I would also have a projector and screen down there for viewing movies. My very own movie theater. The movies I would buy posters of would include the Star Wars movies, The Matrix movies, Fight Club, the Lord of the Rings movies, the Godfather movies, Excalibur and Office Space. My wife has a framed picture of a 'Gone with the Wind' poster in our bedroom, because she is a big fan of that movie. I don't count that as a traditional movie poster though, since it is framed