Bipolar Disorder Review
Experiences and questions related to the debilitating mental disorder Bipolar Disorder should be added here.
Brain Structural Effects Of Psychopharmacological Treatment In Bipolar Disorder
Science Related News
Bipolar disorder is associated with subtle neuroanatomical deficits. This review considers evidence that lithium, mood stabilizers, antipsychotic medication and antidepressant medications are associated with neuroanatomical variation.
People with bipolar disorder more than twice as likely to have suffered childhood adversity
People with bipolar disorder are more than twice as likely to have suffered childhood adversity. Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme depressive and manic states which impair quality of life and increase suicide risk. An urgent need in this field is better understanding of risk factors that can be used to improve detection and treatment. Ref. Source 3u.
This is one of those disorders that cannot be easily solved but the most challenging thing about it is the fact that it can flare up at any moment. Lots of strong prescribed medications for it but they have some serious side affects.
Structural deficits may explain mood-independent cognitive difficulties in bipolar disorder
Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a new study reports a link between reduced functional activation and reduced cortical thickness in the brains of patients with bipolar disorder. The abnormalities were found in patients not currently experiencing depression or mania, which suggests that there is a structural basis for altered neural processing that may help explain why cognitive deficits persist even during periods of normal mood. Ref. Source 5c.
Women and men may have different bipolar disorder biomarkers. Men and women react differently to compounds associated with immune system response to bipolar disorder, according to an international team of medical researchers. The findings suggest that bipolar disorder could one day be diagnosed by measuring biological changes in the body, and that treatments could be tailored differently for men and women. Source 1u.