Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn's Disease, Colitis and The Benefits of Fish Oil
These diseases, all related to the inflamed walls of the intestine, cause many people a great deal of pain, discomfort, bleeding and general difficulty within their daily lives. But one of the many benefits of fish oil is to act as an anti inflammatory, which can have a huge impact on these diseases. Ref. Source 7
Fish oil during pregnancy offers no protection for children against obesity
Across the world, many schoolchildren under 10 are overweight. In the search for the cause of this phenomenon, fetal programming was put under scrutiny in new research. That the mother's diet might have some influence could not be confirmed in a long-term study: administering a special diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids to pregnant women neither resulted in children being slimmer nor fatter than their counterparts from the control group whose mothers ate a normal diet. Ref. Source 8v.