Would you allow your kids to buy a Burger King kids meal that advertized a movie they were too young to watch? See below:
Group asks Burger King to halt 'Star Wars' deal
The Force may - or may not - be with Burger King's latest Star Wars-themed Kids Meals.
One day after a record-shattering weekend for Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, an advocacy group is asking Burger King to stop the tie-in of its Kids Meals with the film because it is rated PG-13
Ref. https://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20050524/...altstarwarsdeal
What choice do I have really? If I take my grandson to Burger King, I am going to buy him an adult meal instead?
I think Burger King probably shouldn't have picked this movie to market since it is rated PG13 and the kids meals are definately for kids below 13, but I think I have to still buy the kids meal or not go to Burger King at all.
I was surprised to find that my grandson knew many of the Star Wars characters so even youngsters are aware of Star Wars. That may be why they did it.
I guess the activists are saying that it does not make sense to saturate Children's minds with something they will nag you to see, but can't. Personally with Felipe I would let him have it - simply because I know he will not beg to see the movie - he really does not even understand the difference - poor kid.
In this particular instance, I don't have a problem with my kids getting Star Wars action figures in their kids meals. Traditionally, Star Wars has always been a PG movie; this is the first time it was PG-13, and this was done because of some of the dark innuendos in it; which in my opinion was or would be above most kids' heads anyway. If I recall correctly, both SpiderMan movies were PG-13 and we all know how much these movies were marketed to young kids. I don't remember the same fuss being made during those movies. What works for one should work for the other, in my opinion.
Burger King to use trans-fat-free oil nationwide by end of 2008
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,...97018,00.html
Well they are going down another movie pathway:
QUOTE (ABC Nightline) |
Burger King's Gamble on Marketing Fried or broiled, mayonnaise or ketchup, cheese or no cheese, Burger King wants you to have it your way. Stuck behind firmly entrenched No. 1 McDonald's, Burger King hopes to forge toward the burger throne with a marketing campaign that is at best unconventional and perhaps downright strange. With the introduction of the mysterious King character, who crops up in BK commercials with his oddly plastic features and an eerily happy expression, Burger King's sales have climbed and the restaurant has developed a cultish following of "Super Fans." The biggest "Super Fan"? Homer Simpson. Will such an offbeat marketing campaign translate into a tangible success for the country's No. 2 burger chain? ABC's Jeffrey Kofman reports. |