DeepDoctrine Introduction - Page 3
Hi All!
Thanks for posting
JB. I must apologize my participation lately has been slim to none. Lately I feel I am being pulled in many different directions and finding it difficult to prioritize what is most important. Family life is one specific area I need to concentrate on a bit harder.
Work has been extremely busy lately. My recent transition to global account manager has taken my travels to extreme measures. I am hoping it will die down during the holiday season and continue to be slow during the month of January. This is when we are expecting our 4th child. My wife has been extremely sick due to the pregnancy. We are very ready for this pregnancy to be over. Thanks to many good Church members, we have survived. Amongst all this chaos I also received a new church calling (Financial Clerk) which can make for busy Sundays when I am in town.
I struggle with trying to make everyone around me happy and sometimes this is at the expense of my family. Bad habit to get into. Hard habit to break!
Well, that's the latest in a nutshell. Happy Holidays to everyone.