I was just thinking about something that is very simple in nature yet profound - not my words, but the words of Christ. Look in any book of scripture and you will see many Prophets trying to best to explain the Word, but it is only when Christ comes and explains it does it all make sense or shall we say 'sink in'. See 3rd Nephi and the Gospels. His scriptures should really be the ultimate guide of Truth itself rather than by the many others who try to interpret the Word for Truth that has already been given.
"[Jesus Christ] is a teacher of truth--but He is more than a teacher. He is the Exemplar of the perfect life--but He is more than an exemplar. He is the Great Physician--but He is more than a physician. He is the literal Savior of the world, the Son of God, the Prince of Peace, the Holy One of Israel, even the risen Lord."
-- "Your Personal Influence," Ensign, May 2004, 23
That is very true, that Jesus showed the basic truths so well. After learning of Him and His teachings, it is very possible to go back into others' teachings and learn much more from them. In particular, it is very possible to learn from the Old Testament Prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah based on Jesus' teachings.
What I have always found most impressive is 3 Nephi 27, where He explains exactly what the Gospel is. Based on that simple definition, it is simple to understand Paul's writings, as well as all the rest of the Bible, Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine and Covenants.
Many non-LDS versions of the King James version of the Bible have the Savior's words in red. This helps to highlight what exactly he said. I wonder, why LDS versions do not. It seems to me, it would give more significance to what He said.