Do You Floss?

Do Floss - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 3rd Mar, 2006 - 10:09pm

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28th May, 2005 - 7:41pm / Post ID: #

Do You Floss?

It's very important for the health of your teeth to clean them properly. A brush and tooth-paste are not enough.

Do you use dental floss?

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28th May, 2005 - 8:23pm / Post ID: #

Floss Do

If I do not floss I feel like my teeth are not really clean. If I have some extra time what I generally do is brush my teeth, floss and then brush my teeth again. After doing this little routine my mouth feels really good.

3rd Mar, 2006 - 12:44am / Post ID: #

Do You Floss? Health & Special Psychology

A question I have been wondering... should flossing cause your gums to bleed or is it that I am doing it too hard? Should you try to avoid your gums when you floss or isn't it necessary to get food from under your gums too?

3rd Mar, 2006 - 1:17pm / Post ID: #

Floss Do

should flossing cause your gums to bleed or is it that I am doing it too hard

Based on what the dentist said, if your gums bleed whether you are flossing or not is called Gingivitis and is caused by the long-term effects of plaque deposits. If you floss really hard then it may cause your gums to bleed, other than that, it is just bacteria. I suffer with this very often and the dentist prescribed medication. It worked pretty well for a while and then started over. What it works for me sometimes is making sure you floss and use mouth wash every day (twice a day if possible) and making gargles with warm water and salt (that will stop the bleeding).

3rd Mar, 2006 - 3:42pm / Post ID: #

Floss Do

Bleeding gums in general is a sign of gingivitis as LDS_forever pointed out. In my case, my gums would bleed even when I didn't floss, and I ended up having to have my gums 'trimmed' because they had created pockets where food could build up and cause infection. Since then I haven't had the problem with bleeding gums.
As for flossing, I try to do so daily, but sometimes I forget. It used to be a pain to floss with the regular string, so I ended up buying a Reach flosser, which is floss with a handle, basically. The head is disposable, and large enough to fit in any part of your mouth. My daughter has even gotten into flossing after purchasing the flosser, so that is a plus. Here is a review of the flosser with a picture.

3rd Mar, 2006 - 8:19pm / Post ID: #

Do You Floss?

I ended up having to have my gums 'trimmed' because they had created pockets where food could build up and cause infection. Since then I haven't had the problem with bleeding gums

Well, that's an interestig thing. This is first time I heard about getting your gums "trimmed", is that a painful process? who recommended it? The reason I ask is because I have the same problem ( a regular bleeding gums problem) that needs to be solved by putting braces on but until that happens, I would be interested to know about this procedure.

I saw the link, I think is a cool tool and affordable for those who are in the US. Very handy.

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3rd Mar, 2006 - 10:09pm / Post ID: #

Do Floss

The procedure of gum trimming is known as Gingivoplasty. It is mostly used as a cosmetic procedure so that one can show more of their teeth, and less of their gums. However, having more gum covering your teeth can also promote pockets where food can reside. By trimming the gums those pockets are eliminated, and the gum is tighter to the teeth, and easier to clean.
I had to have the procedure done on my lower gums, which is where I was having problems with bleeding. It was done under local anaesthetic, and I was in and out in an hour or so. An oral surgeon will need to perform this type of procedure. There are stitches involved, so periodic check-ups are done, and the stitches are removed in less than a week.

> TOPIC: Do You Floss?


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