Who's Your Role Model Or Hero?

Who' S Role Model Hero - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 4th Jan, 2006 - 1:08am

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Post Date: 9th Dec, 2003 - 3:58am / Post ID: #

Who's Your Role Model Or Hero?
A Friend

Who's Your Role Model Or Hero?

Hey everybody, I was wondering who or what is everybodies hero's or role models.

My role model for the way to live my life is my mom. My role model for singing is Shania Twain. She's just amazing.

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9th Dec, 2003 - 5:29pm / Post ID: #

Hero Model Role Whos

My role model for life is Jesus Christ and I hope to be able to follow some of his footsteps. smile.gif

9th Dec, 2003 - 9:37pm / Post ID: #

Who's Your Role Model Or Hero? Health & Special Psychology

I agree with LDS, the ultimate role model for me is Jesus Christ.

Now, I also have "lessor" role models that I can see and follow each day here as well. For example, my role model for how to be a good, loving grandmother is my paternal grandmother. She has been dead since 1973, but she loved me unconditionally. I have never felt loved more by any person on this earth. So, when I am with my grandson, a lot of how I am with him is modeled after how she was with me. I probably don't spoil him quite as much as she did me, but I come close. I want him to behave, but I don't care if he has ice cream for dinner. biggrin.gif

Some of my friends serve as role models in certain areas. I think it is good to have people in your life who you can look to as an example when you need. No one person can be an example in all areas, EXCEPT for Jesus Christ because no other one person is perfect in all areas. This is, of course, my opinion based upon my religious beliefs. I realize not everyone who posts on this board is religious, but this is my feelings on the subject.

Reconcile Edited: tenaheff on 9th Dec, 2003 - 9:38pm

Post Date: 9th Dec, 2003 - 10:24pm / Post ID: #

Who's Your Role Model Or Hero?
A Friend

Hero Model Role Whos

My role model would also be Jesus Christ. My other role model would be my dad. He has taught me so much and has always been there for me to help me.

11th Dec, 2003 - 6:56pm / Post ID: #

Hero Model Role Whos

First (because I believe) is of course the Savior, and if I could just emulate a tiny part of his example, how blessed would I be??

And as for "every day" examples.... In my ward is a married couple, probably in their late 50's to early 60's -- not "old" by any sense of the word! They are the most humble, loving people that I know. After they had a "regular" family by having children and raising them and all that normal stuff, they prayed together as a couple for a "new challenge." Can you imagine? At any rate, the answer they felt was to adopt more children. They've had many many children adopted into their family, I'm not sure of the final count, and they still have at home at least 7 or 8 of various ages -- including a 12-year-old girl with some type of disability that has her wheelchair-bound and is mentally challenged. They are a great example to me about love, life, marriage, and selflessness.


Post Date: 31st Dec, 2004 - 11:56pm / Post ID: #

Who's Your Role Model Or Hero?
A Friend

Who's Your Role Model Or Hero?

bolo yueng is my super hero. im not sure why but i always have wanted to be like him...choose a martial artist and he is my hero

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Post Date: 5th Jan, 2004 - 3:00am / Post ID: #

Who's Your Role Model Or Hero?
A Friend

Who's Role Model Hero

My role model is Dr. Phil!!! biggrin.gif

I believe that he is sincere and for that reason he seems to really help people. I can't imagine the amount of time that is required to help all these individuals. The guy knows how to breakdown issues, keeps them in perspective. I hope that someday either in my personal or professional life, I will have the opportunity to help others the way he has.

*Words are the physicians of a mind diseased~Aeschylus*

**Anybody who is 25 or 30 years old has physical scars from all sorts of things, from tuberculosis to polio. Its the same with the mind~Moses R. Kaufmn**

***If you set people in motion they'll heal themselves~Gabrielle Roth***

**The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best~Paul Valery**

Post Date: 4th Jan, 2006 - 1:08am / Post ID: #

Who's Your Role Model Or Hero?
A Friend

Who's Role Model Hero Psychology Special & Health

I'm going to jump over the obvious for me which is Jesus Christ and go to Joseph Smith Jr., and Martin Luther.

Martin Luther because he believed that the Catholic Church should be put back to how the Bible says, and died for his belief. He never wanted to start a church of his own.

Joseph Smith Jr. he wanted to know what church to join, due to that desire he claims he saw God and his son and stuck to what he believed to be true and never wavered in that fact. That shows me true Character.

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> TOPIC: Who's Your Role Model Or Hero?


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