Do you think is of great importance to memorize scripture or is it something that is only meant for scriptorians and missionaries? If you think we should memorize scriptures then what would be the reason and which scriptures would you choose to memorize?
I don't believe it's necessary to memorize a lot of scriptures word-for-word, but I do believe we should know the scriptures well enough to know where to turn for important passages, particularly if we engage in belief-system or theological discussions with so-called "mainstream Christians" on a regular basis. It is awkward to say, "This is what we believe," and not be able to back it up scripturally. It also helps us to not be deceived by false precepts and teachings that we come in contact with in these types of situations.
Also, I think it helps to know the context of certain passages that are specifically used against LDS beliefs when they are taken out of context. In other words, we should know the whole story behind that *one* verse they are quoting. Often, I think, some other faiths use those types of misleading verses without researching the deeper meaning.
In addition, I think if we are to develop any kind of understanding of the gospel and gospel doctrine, we really need to search the scriptures. When we do that on a regular basis, it's natural to retain those parts that carry important messages.
In my opinion, of course.
Offtopic but, I recently printed out the Scripture Mastery list that is used in Seminary (which I didn't have an opportunity to attend in my youth) to help me learn the scriptures that are important to me as an LDS member. That's my next learning project. |
I feel that it is up to the individual whether to memorize scriptures or not. I do have fond memories of when I attended seminary years ago, it was 40 scriptures then that we had to learn. Memorizing scriptures for me was fun! It has helped me a great deal with talks, conversations with non members & members, when faced with opposition and my scriptures aren't handy it is like humming a favourite hymn when I recite a scripture for personal strength and encouragement.
There are several ways that I use to help memorize scriptures which I used when teaching at the Missionary Training Centre along with my wife and that is:
1) mnemonics (for word for word) 5) song
2) keywords 6) fruit (visual reminders)
3) stories
4) pictures
There are others but these are the ones that work the most.
A scripture that I love is John 3:16. It is so easy to use with children and non members. John 14:15.
There is so much more, I do not know where else to continue!
Memorizing scriptures is the same as having a prayer in your heart!
I do not think memorizing scriptures is as important as understanding scriptures. One can memorize things, but if you don't have an understanding of what these things mean, what good does it do?
As FarSeer says, I think it is important to have an understanding of the context of them more than just memorize them word for work.
I certainly wouldn't suggest that memorizing scriptures is necessary in any way. However, there is a lot of evidence to show that it is very helpful for anyone.
By memorizing verses, we "write them on our hearts". We then tend to ponder them at odd moments. We are influenced by them at all times.
I have very few memorized. James 1:5, 1 Nephi 3:7. A few others. I have tried, several times, to memorize Moroni 10:32-33. I can never seem to get it set. I guess that I just need to work on it a little more.