I am considering making a Matrix RPG (Based on the movie, but not following the main story line) for this community. Based on the work involved I think it will be exclusively a Premium and above feature, however I would like to know the following:
1. Would you rather multi-player or single play?
2. Self running like 'Solo' or Text based like Future Earth?
3. Should I make it a sub game of Future Earth or totally independent?
4. Should it maintain it's own atmosphere like Cozyville or be totally Board based?
Within the next few days I will be adding this concept so your suggestions will be considered. Thanks.
Here are my thoughts on this:
1. Would you rather multi-player or single play? Single Play
2. Self running like 'Solo' or Text based like Future Earth? Don't know much about how solo works but text based is fine
3. Should I make it a sub game of Future Earth or totally independent? Independent, the Matrix is like no other
4. Should it maintain it's own atmosphere like Cozyville or be totally Board based?
It would be nice to have its own atmosphere. Edited: malexander on 31st Dec, 2004 - 5:12pm
If we make it text based and yet single player then basically you we will be making it similar to the Personal Adventure boards? If so then that will mean I will have to come up with many scenarios at the same time if there are more than one or two players. However, I guess it would cure the problem of not having enough people to play. To equalize the work load I will have to either charge FP per game or ask for a donation per game as I will be running multiple scenarios at once if let's say three people signed up to play.
I prefer text based, but if not enough players will be willing to participate, then it would have to be self running. The whole fun of text-based RPGs is the communication between the several players and the GM. If you are alone, then I think you might as well make it self running.
If less than three players will participate, I suggest making it individual and like solo. If three or more - multiplayer and text based.
Well this is what I have come up with and if you have more to add to this then please do tell:
1. It will be for Plus members only as there will be a lot of script writing.
2. It will have a text based board for interactive stories but...
3. Your character can be changed and / or upgraded at anytime like Cozyville
4. You will have the best of both worlds... self running and interactive multi player
5. It will have its own board and concept only viewable by Plus members (to prevent those with the bright idea of stealing the concept)
6. Once you create your character, he/she will be yours for life and you will manage him like a real person, there will be many features for this. If he dies there will a means for resurrection.
7. There is much more, but I do not want to reveal all here.
Of course continue to give me feedback. Thanks.