Apply the Golden Rule in Your Marriage
"The cure for most marital troubles does not lie in divorce. It lies in repentance and forgiveness, in expressions of kindness and concern. It is to be found in application of the Golden Rule.
"It is a scene of great beauty when a young man and a young woman join hands at the altar in a covenant before God that they will honor and love one another. Then how dismal the picture when a few months later, or a few years later, there are offensive remarks, mean and cutting words, raised voices, bitter accusations.
"It need not be, my dear brothers and sisters. We can rise above these mean and beggarly elements in our lives (see Galatians 4:9). We can look for and recognize the divine nature in one another, which comes to us as children of our Father in Heaven. We can live together in the God-given pattern of marriage in accomplishing that of which we
are capable if we will exercise discipline of self and refrain from trying to discipline our companion."
-- Gordon B. Hinckley, "The Women in Our Lives," Ensign, Nov. 2004, 84
My wife and I taught the Eternal Marriage class at Institute for a couple of years and it is a course that I would encourage all married couples to take even YSA before a mission or after as it helps to give them a better understanding of having an Eternal Perspective. It also gives them counsel from church leaders to deal with sour situations that may come their way in a marriage or with dating. You can't go wrong with God's pattern....as long as you include God in all that you do...there will always be a rainbow at the end of each trial!