Citzen: Ramer

Citzen Ramer - Cozyville RPG Archive - Posted: 23rd Jun, 2005 - 10:51pm

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In Cozyville!
Post Date: 6th Jun, 2005 - 10:27pm / Post ID: #

Citzen: Ramer

Our latest Cozyville prospect, Ramer, just came into the Town looking at the prospects of setting up home in Cozyville!

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6th Jun, 2005 - 10:55pm / Post ID: #

Ramer Citzen

Well, look here a place of my own, sort of. Since I am the new one to town, I hope to get the chance to meet all of you. I have been about town and have seen some nice plots of land, lot 6 seems to be promising, but a job seems more appropriate at the moment. If you do not see me walking around town or at the playground look for me at the burger joint, I will be flipping burgers there. I do not plan to stay homeless for too long though, as soon as I can buy a lot and a hut I will be all set. In the meantime maybe the boss will give me some overtime so I can buy that lot sooner....

7th Jun, 2005 - 10:31pm / Post ID: #

Citzen: Ramer Archive RPG Cozyville

What a day, the grill just wasn't hot enough to cook the burgers all the way through. A five minute burger was taking ten minutes. I figured out the problem though, the grill wasn't on... Maybe that is why no one liked their burgers, hum, go figure. Once I got the grill lit though the burgers turned out very well, cooked all the way through, but still nice and juicy on the inside. We had some nicely done cooked onions and fresh relish for those who like that sort of thing and the hamburger buns were freshly made today. After a bad start the burgers turned out excellent.

19th Jun, 2005 - 2:23pm / Post ID: #

Ramer Citzen

Well it has been a good week flipping burgers, I may have to find a new job soon I attended classes recently and I think burgers are a little easy for me. *Life Roll* I think I will get a sandwich at Tenaheff's and contemplate a new job. Maybe with a better job I could by that house I want.

Reconcile Edited: Ramer on 19th Jun, 2005 - 2:52pm

21st Jun, 2005 - 9:16pm / Post ID: #

Ramer Citzen

Well the schooling has helped, I am now the head burger flipper, it is still flipping burgers though. The other advantage of going to school is that I can hang out in the library rather than sleeping on a park bench. I wish that Cozy Burger was open 24 hours a day, I would take some overtime and have a roof over my head. Lastnight I decided that Trinidad's pool looked like a good place to wash up. Now the customers don't give me a funny look. Maybe I will scope our who else has a pool...

22nd Jun, 2005 - 1:13pm / Post ID: #

Citzen: Ramer

Made my request for an apartment building to the mayor, maybe I should try to become a lobbyist. That would be a better job than executive burger flipper, plus I don't think Trinidad will appreciate the burger grease floating in his pool after swimming in it late lastnight. I tried to get it all out of the pool, I hope I did. I wonder if there is a pool supply store nearby, I will buy him some chlorine tablets and pool cleaner if there is. He needs a floating pool chair too, the one he has is getting kind of run down. Well I better get some rest I have the closing shift this afternoon.

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23rd Jun, 2005 - 10:51pm / Post ID: #

Citzen Ramer

Good news today, the mayor is willing to consider my request for a apartment building. I need to get the news out to get more support though. Perhaps I will write a letter to the editor of the newspaper to gather some more support. Now I just have to find a paper somewhere with the address to the editor.

> TOPIC: Citzen: Ramer


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