How Many Years Of Difference? - Page 2 of 3

I would have a problem with someone so much - Page 2 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 4th Oct, 2006 - 3:10am

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Posts: 17 - Views: 2963
Poll: Up to how many years of difference in age will you agree to marry someone?
  Must be same age       0.00%
  1 year       0.00%
  2-5 years       31.58%
  6-10 years       36.84%
  11-15 years       15.79%
  16-20 years       5.26%
  21-25 years       0.00%
  26-30 years       0.00%
  31+ years       10.53%
Total Votes: 19
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Post Date: 6th Mar, 2006 - 1:14am / Post ID: #

How Many Years Of Difference?
A Friend

How Many Years Of Difference? - Page 2

My parents were 13 yrs difference, My girlfriend is 5 yrs younger then myself. I figure that if two people are in love has long has they are in love it doesn't matter the age. My mom and her boyfriend are 18 yrs apart. Those who say that age does matter I believe are closed minded.

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Post Date: 30th Sep, 2006 - 10:04pm / Post ID: #

How Many Years Of Difference?
A Friend

Difference Years How

I agree that age does not matter; it is simply a number. Love knows no boundaries and maturity is much more important. In my opinion, it is also a case of comfort. If you are comfortable with dating and eventually marrying someone twice your age, then that is your business. No one has the right to tell you what to do with your own heart. For me personally, I said 6-10 years because that is what my "comfort zone" is. My current boyfriend is 2 years younger than me, but I have dated and considered marrying a guy that was 10 years older than me. I have just learned to follow my heart because no one has to live with my choices except me.

2nd Oct, 2006 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #

How Many Years Of Difference? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

One of my very best friends is over 20 years younger than me. Others are much closer in age. I think that it really is attitude and interests and the ability to participate in interests that are enjoyable to both that are what count.

On the other hand, Christie Brinkley and Billy Joel broke up as did Paul Simon and Carrie Fischer eventually. Would they have stayed together if they were closer in age? With the divorce rate in this country, probably not, so please forget this last paragraph. Thank you.

2nd Oct, 2006 - 10:50pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Difference Years How

One of my very best friends is over 20 years younger than me. Others are much closer in age. I think that it really is attitude and interests and the ability to participate in interests that are enjoyable to both that are what count

Even though I pretty much agree with this about friends in general, I think that in a romantic relationship is a bit different.

3rd Oct, 2006 - 9:41pm / Post ID: #

Difference Years How

LDS, Of course a romantic relationship is different in so many ways. I guess that my real test is if the prospective partner has enough experience with life to be able to talk intelligently with me or if many of the things I say go over her head because of lack of experience, and experience in life tends to come with age.

Now, I'm not talking specialties or esoteric information, just daily life things, many of which we can't understand unless we go through them. Maybe a certain level of maturity is what I mean instead. I am now living in the Research Triangle of North Carolina, but I am from Colorado. The people here, who have not lived elsewhere don't understand deep snow and cold winter, but I never understood hot humid summers until I moved here. That is not the type of thing I mean at all.

In fact, I've never understood the fascination that men my age and older have with young women. What do they talk about, or do they just want their partners to listen to how great they are?

So, if a woman has maturity, common sense, we really enjoy sharing our conversations and we have a strong attraction to each other, I'm not going to say Sorry, you are too young if everything else seems to work well. And it feels right, of course!

3rd Oct, 2006 - 10:01pm / Post ID: #

How Many Years Of Difference?

So, if a woman has maturity, common sense, we really enjoy sharing our conversations and we have a strong attraction to each other, I'm not going to say Sorry, you are too young if everything else seems to work well. And it feels right, of course!

What about if the woman has all those characteristics but she is 10/15 years older than you?

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3rd Oct, 2006 - 10:21pm / Post ID: #

How Years Difference - Page 2

What about if the woman has all those characteristics but she is 10/15 years older than you?

Then I would follow my same guidelines, of course. All of life is an adventure, and I'm trying to enjoy the ride to the fullest that I can.

4th Oct, 2006 - 3:10am / Post ID: #

How Years Difference Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews - Page 2

I would have a problem with someone so much older or younger than I that we couldn't even appreciate the same music, laugh or cry at certain historical events, etc. I guess that would be a generational thing. My first husband is 17 years my senior, and that didn't work out, probably for some of those same reasons.

As I've matured, I've come to realize that there has to be a sense of "fitting" together, mentally and spiritually, of "completing" one another. If that can happen, regardless of age, I'm all for it.

In my opinion, of course.

Offtopic but,
Also, I couldn't date/marry someone who hasn't had children. Sounds like another topic smile.gif

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