I was given permission by Lorand Minyo, CEO a(D)nalyse! to share this true story:
A long story even shorter or "why am I still in shock"
I don't even know where to begin. As I think such an experience is worth sharing, not from a pitiful point of view, but as an educational "not to", from which you may or may not learn something, so I'll start with the beginning.
Some of you may noticed my long absence from the boards.
4 and a half months ago I've been offered what looked like the ideal job. Project Manager wouldn't even cover the duties, but seemed ok. Great pay, car, house, hardware, all the goodies.
It took me a while to get used to the "twilight zone" effect, in which people did stupid and moronic things (see the thread about stupidity), lifetime friends stabbing each other in the back for a penny's worth of profit and so on.
The project mainly consisted in researching, developing and then overseeing the progress of a commercial database/communicational platform containing all the companies in a ceratin country. As the logical step was developing that database of my country, I started working on the project. The basic level of it (programming, design and so on) was done mostly in house, as I handpicked each and every person involved in the project. Very good and skilled people indeed.
Then my main concern was overseing sales, client support, human resources. The works. You could say I was managing the entire company.
All this was a dream come true, as I had everything I needed. A beautiful car (Alfa 156), a bedroom apartment (I was relocated 500 kms from home), state of the art wide screen laptops (I had 3 different models), mobile internet connection. Parties, business meetings, everything a young business savvy person could ever dream of.
4 months went by and everything was peachy. The project was completed and all there was left was to oversee sales.
1 day prior to my departure I saw some weird activities. All kinds of new, strange people, supposedly connected to the project came to see the CEO. I was told they are were there as consultants. But then I was told to oversee the migrations of the database servers, to give them the sales team contacts, the sources of everything etc.
Only then a light flickered in my mind. But as it was 3 AM already, I thought I would deal with those issues later when I will wake up and come to the office.
On the same day everything was quite quiet, so I thought everything was back to normal, as weird as it was.
The next day though, surprise meeting in the CEO's office. My laptop and cell phone were on the CEO's desk, a guy looking into my laptop and another into my own private cell phone. More than 10 people there, including the CEO's husband, cousin, sister, private assistant and some new faces.
At this point, one of the new faces started asking me all kind of idiotic questions about the design, programming, domain name, dedicated server and so on. I explained everything there had to be explained, yet he bluntly refused to understand. At this point I was getting angry. Then another guy started asking me questions about the human resources involved in the project, including designers, programmers, sales team and so on. Same situation as the first guy. Then more people, including the CEO, her sister and husband, which were completely parallel to the issue and totally out of order started making accusations. As I didn't do anything, as someone else did everything for the project, as I'm a complete disappointment and I have no place there. Now at this point I was more than angry, I was quite frankly boiling.
Of course I made my point, but I won't duplicate that for the obvious reasons, yet they seemed to fail in understanding what I was pointing out. IT was like we spoke different languages.
Then the CEO told me that within 5 minutes I shall give them my laptops, sim cards and everything there was, and by the time I'll get back with those we'll settle the financial matters as well.
At this point it just hit me. Hard. I only had an agreement with them, nothing signed, although my contract was printed and signed, but I didn't get the chance to sign it. And another hit. I never had access to any cash. Everything I needed I was given, but not any cash. At this point I was already seing the outcome. With my last mental and physical forces I entered the CEO's office to settle the financial matters. From her calculations it turned out that I was paid more than my monthly salary(but see the above paragraph), so as "hurtful" as it might seem to her, she considers it settled. But as she felt "pity" for me, she agreed to pay me the trip back home.
I was escorted to the train station that night by a few fellow "colleagues". Now I stand short of quite a few thousand euros and in a worst financial situation than I was before, I could say the worst yet.
Now, just as a word of advice. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT follow verbal agreements. Have it signed. It will stand in court, no matter what.
Don't be fooled by all the goodies. A nice apartment, a new shiny car, the laptop of your dreams, parties, banquets, trips all have a clear purpose. To cloud your mind.
If it's too good to be true, it is, no exceptions. Everything has a price and most probably you're the one that's going to pay it.
Do not, under any circumstance give into someone else's game unless you're 100% sure you'll going to win. If something seems wrong, bail out or take action. No one will catch your fall.
Today I stand before you a better man. I learned the hard way, from my own experience.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
Thank you for posting that on my behalf.
I can say that I'm living proof that such things can and will happen. And I have to agree, as harsh as it may sound, that is was my mistake alone. I was fooled into a game that I didn't know how to play.
I certainly wish that some might learn a few things out of my experience.
This sounds like a case for Judge Judy, but one has to wonder how you would be willing to move house without taking the time to sign a contract or even get a real one? In addition to this... four months passed by and you still did nothing to resolve the situation with your agreement, I am sorry to say, but it was almost like you were gearing up for the result since in business no one is a friend (hence contracts for all). It is a high price to be taught such a lesson and I have had a few moments like that although at a much lower level.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
I didn't have a contract signed for two reasons: Before I even went there, another good friend of mine was already working for the company. This was guarantee enough to move there and postpone the signing of the contract. Secondly, workload was great and actually I never got the chance to negotiate all the aspects, not to mention to create an adequate contract.
And no, it hasn't been 4 months since then, it's been less than 2 weeks. Please re-read the post. I was employed for 4 months.
Judge Judy you say? I don't think so. It's much more complicated, hidden from the public eye. I'm sure you won't take this as criticism.
I am not sure I understand you. You were with them for four months right - that is adequate time to get a contract done. Where does it say less than two weeks? I only saw:
4 months went by and everything was peachy. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%