Lorandm Introduction

Lorandm Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 9th Jun, 2005 - 7:33pm

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Post Date: 9th Jun, 2005 - 5:28pm / Post ID: #

Lorandm Introduction
A Friend

Lorandm Introduction

I'm not sure what could go into an introduction of myself. I'm a brand, advertising researcher/developer and image consultant.

I'm 24, yet I've worked with many companies since I was 18. I've had both bad and good experiences and I'm not a better man from learning from my own mistakes.

Hope I'll find in this community a place to share experiences and facts, beliefs and wisdom.

All this being said, I wish you all the best.


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Post Date: 9th Jun, 2005 - 5:36pm / Post ID: #

Introduction Lorandm

Welcome, I'm Brandon

I am happy to see you here today and I am looking forward to when you update your profile and tell us more about yourself. So if you indulge me and let me fill you in on a few things I'm sure you will feel right at home quickly.

Posts (messages) are all written in an intellectual & constructive level so this can be seen as good factual English language use. There is a handy spell checker for that too, but you know what works for me... I always check the Constructive Posts thread as it gives you it all in a nutshell.

Make sure to check that as there are strict Moderators here that delete any member account found being sarcastic, spamming, using the community to advertise commercial products or services and / or seeking to violate any of the terms agreed when you registered.

The FAQ Board, it is an intensive place to find questions and answers, but you can also ask here if you are still unsure.

Post Date: 9th Jun, 2005 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #

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Lorandm Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

Welcome to the Community. I see that you are evidently determined to view your thread - good, maybe you will find the prospects of constructive discussion helpful to both yourself and us as I am sure you have a wealth of knowledge to share. All the best to you. If you have questions after reviewing the FAQ Board then please place them here.

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Post Date: 9th Jun, 2005 - 5:46pm / Post ID: #

Lorandm Introduction
A Friend

Introduction Lorandm

Thank you for the warm welcome.

Of course I was curious about the thread. I might say it's a good tactic to get new users.
I could say I have quite some "wisdom" to share with the members. But only time will tell the outcome.

On another side, I see that you have a multitude of boars, relating to various topics. I'm sure I'll find a cozy place somewhere.

Post Date: 9th Jun, 2005 - 5:54pm / Post ID: #

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Introduction Lorandm

In all honesty we do not use tactics to get new users (I really only wanted the story), in fact you will notice our stringent registry requirement - we have also been known to regularly delete members as we are not number based. However, do not get me wrong, I am happy you chose to join us, but at the same time I do not want to be perceived as looking for people to join here in the method you hinted. As you view our many threads and read the links given you will see that this a very unique Community.

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Post Date: 9th Jun, 2005 - 6:25pm / Post ID: #

Lorandm Introduction
A Friend

Lorandm Introduction

I'm not insinuating you would use such tactics, mearly just stating it would be a good tactic.
And of course, I've seen you run an exclusive forum.

All this seems interesting to me, as it clearly defines the concept of a forum. I'm sure you understand what I mean.

Once again, thank you for the warm welcome.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 9th Jun, 2005 - 6:34pm / Post ID: #

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Lorandm Introduction

Your welcome and yes I understand.

We actually used to be like every other Community out there until the Moderators and I became tired of all the lack of unintelligent discussion the net has to offer. You sometimes express yourself and you are immediately attacked by child-like responses, so we wanted to make here a safe haven where people do not have to be worried about ridicule and they can be assured that each post is worthy of being read.

So where do you hail from and what does your work entail?

Blog Read My Blog
Contribution: Hard Work | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Libertarian
Tenet: Reperire Veritatem | Reason: Discuss Global Issues | Age: Fifty Something | Joined: Reg. 3rd Sep, 2002 - 1:01pm
Signature: Donate Please Support Our Efforts!
Post Date: 9th Jun, 2005 - 7:33pm / Post ID: #

Lorandm Introduction
A Friend

Lorandm Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing

Was born in Dracula's reign anno domini 1981. Being as hard as it to be born in Romania, I was also faced with the fact that both my parents are very old, two generations older than they should've been. So imagine the education I've been put through.

As I got older I developed a very accurate sense of image. In general. Having pursued my interest in history and culture, I graduated the ancient greek and latin section of my highschool. One of a kind within the country. I've learned everyhting that was available to me. But this particular interest of mine didn't have any financial future. So I went through a local christian university, pursuing my interest in commercial and turistical management.

The rest si pretty much regular history. I pursued my interest in branding, advertising research, image development, marketing strategies.

I've been researching like a regular gold digger everything there was to know. I can now state that I have a fair understanding of the ins and outs of what could spell a sucessful business.
And as I always wanted to do something that I like and love, here you have me, a brander. Or should I say, adnalyser.

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