Leg Falls From Sky

Leg Falls Sky - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 10th Jun, 2005 - 9:30am

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Pam Hearne heard "a loud crash" and later was stunned to see a foot clad in an Adidas sneaker and a sock in her yard
Post Date: 9th Jun, 2005 - 6:11pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Leg Falls From Sky

Body part falls from wheel well of plane, lands in backyard

NEW YORK (AP) - The body of an apparent stowaway was ripped in half during flight Tuesday and his leg crashed into a suburban neighborhood, where a homeowner found the severed limb in the middle of her lawn, authorities said.

Pam Hearne heard "a loud crash" and later was stunned to see a foot clad in an Adidas sneaker and a sock in her yard, said Officer Thomas Blanchard. The leg, with hip and spine attached, dented the shingled roof of her garage before bouncing into the lawn.

Police suspect the remains are from a stowaway who may have been crushed as the South African Airways jet lowered its landing gear on its approach to Kennedy Airport.
Ref. https://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/200...ody-parts_x.htm

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9th Jun, 2005 - 11:15pm / Post ID: #

Sky Falls Leg

With such an intruiging title I couldn't help but look in. . .

shocked.gif' /><!--endemo-->  Geez though, what a nasty way to go.  Any sort of 'crushing' death seems like it would be about the most painful I can think of.  Especially if it crushes you into two halves.  Anyway, that's horrible and all, but I have to say that if I saw a pair of legs fall from the sky, my first reaction would probably be to laugh.  Then as it slowly sunk in that a person died for my amusement, my laughter would turn to shame. But then, when I die, that's exactly how I want to go.  At least I know somebody would get a kick out of my death. . . </p><div> </div> </div>



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Post Date: 10th Jun, 2005 - 9:30am / Post ID: #

Leg Falls From Sky
A Friend

Leg Falls From Sky UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I guess he wanted to get a leg up on someone? laugh.gif

Sorry bad joke for a horrible situation. Seriously, I cant think of a worse way to go then to be crushed or ripped apart. Maybe burning to death?

> TOPIC: Leg Falls From Sky


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