2015 - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 14th Dec, 2005 - 3:55am

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 5 - Views: 691
You are going to love this!
14th Jun, 2005 - 3:23pm / Post ID: #


I saw his flash file and it has an underlying message. Please do post your review after viewing. Go to: https://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/epic

NOTE: At the start it may seem to repeat itself, but it is not, it is merely loading.

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Post Date: 14th Jun, 2005 - 11:37pm / Post ID: #

A Friend


That was incredibly cool ! ( - which, as a 48 year old English cynic, is not a word I use very often.)

The whole thing was very well presented, and very convincing.

As someone who thinks computers, the internet and modern technology is miraculous, I have difficulty seeing the limits of future technology. Forget your warp drives and transporter beams of Star Trek, we are living in the future NOW.

I've had a computer of one sort or another since 1981 when I bought the Sinclair ZX81, the first sub-£100 home computer. Of course, it had only 1k (yes, 1k) of ram, ran on a black and white TV and used a tape cassette player for backup. But I thought it was amazing.

In turn, I was convinced that the old sci-fi staples of voice recognition and handwritten input were technologically impossible. Now I have a PC that does one, and a computer I can carry around in my pocket to do the other.

I'm rambling a bit, but I have given up trying to define what computers will or will not be able to do in the next few years.

The internet is a great source of enjoyment and amazement for me. And I have no doubt that future developments will not only match the predictions made in his short presentation, but will far exceed them.

To paraphrase someone (Arthur C Clarke, I think), the future is not only weirder than we imagine, it is weirder than we can imagine.

24th Nov, 2005 - 4:37am / Post ID: #

2015 Gaming Video & Issues Computer


After watching that I think I will dump all of my 401K earnings into Google stocks. Might just be a good investment. But, I have to say... It may not pan out exactly to that extent, but the day is coming that everything is digitized and there are going to be some very large wars over who provides it and how well it fits the consumers needs. The technology is already there to accomplish most of the customization you could ever imagine, but the integration for it has not yet proven itself. The day is coming guys, get ready. Leave it to me to be excited about it. smile.gif

How is it that Google is not in the dictionary for the spell checker on here?

Post Date: 24th Nov, 2005 - 7:17am / Post ID: #

A Friend

Incredible video. I think the scary part is that information was being plucked from our private lives. Our pda's, our cell phones, ect. This was not the evolution of media, but the degradation of information into stylized news nuggets that we can have interpreted for us by a computer. It was the integration of our private lives into the public media system. While the technology is stunningly close to do this, we should ask ourselves if this is the direction we want to go. All my book purchases, news I read, and internet searches being logged to a database somewhere is not exciting, its frightening. You are right, its coming. But with it comes the lose of privacy and then the lose of freedom with it. Its more scary that some cant see it, or that some welcome it.

Post Date: 14th Dec, 2005 - 3:55am / Post ID: #

A Friend


Being one of the first topics, and therefore videos, I have seen on this site, I have a lot to look forward to. The video, as some have said, was well done. While I was listening to it I could not tear myself away.

When we look at where we are as a civilization today and where we came from, we can see that our advancements continue to expand exponentially. Google and Amazon are two of the most pinged websites to date, and the future has great things in store for them. I even look up a little on the screen and there are three adds including the Google name.

Though it is scary to think of how much information people will have on each of us in the future, I still can not help but think how intriguing the future is according to that video. I love the idea of Google to include a satellite map of a city and include pictures from those specific places (they have it right now). Especially seeing what this can be turned into through the video I just watched.

I myself plan on going into Nanotechnology and given its potential I do not doubt anything that video said. I hope to continue reading some of these threads on our future.

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