Of the list above which one will you find yourself the most helpful? Often humans react based on experience and knowledge when there is a surprise situation, see how you would react as you select which one you will be most knowledgable to assist in. You may also state which one you would be the LEAST helpful in and how you might better prepare if you were to find yourself in that situation.
Funny enough, I have burned myself so many times that I am very comfortable treating burns on both myself and others. The biggest mistake people make is putting ANY oil based substance on a burn to sooth it. Grease breeds bacteria in a wound and essentially makes it worse. The best thing to do it run it under cold cold water for a long time. Then put some anti-bacterial cream on it if you have it, then wrap it in a clean cloth to prevent infection. Most people don't realize that infection is the biggest problem with burns, not the actual burn damage itself. Skin protects from infection, when a burn damages that protection, you are very open to infection.
I believe I could be the biggest help with someone choking. For example, I know to do nothing at all if they are making noise. It takes air to make noise. If they are making noise, my attempts at dislodging the substance could actually make the blockage complete rather than help. If someone is making no noise, they are getting no air. I would use the heimlich maneuver.
My second help area would be CPR. I was trained in the Marine Corps to administer this and then again later I got certified. I have let the certification lapse. I am not sure I know the prescribed number of chest compressions to breaths, but I think if no one else was their to help, I would do more good than harm.
I would be least helpful in a mugging attempt.
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
I could do very well with a burn, and perhaps with a broken bone I would be of some help. However, I've never been certified in CPR, and I would be absolutely useless against muggers, bears, and quicksand. I do tend to keep a "cool head" and not panic in emergencies, and that's helpful in any situation.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%