Mysterious 'Kryptos' sculpture challenges CIA employees
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- It's been hidden in plain sight at CIA headquarters for 15 years: a message, buried in code, on a large S-shaped copper and wood sculpture called "Kryptos."
"Kryptos," which means "hidden" in ancient Greek, was created by artist Jim Sanborn in 1990. Ever since, CIA staff have tried to crack the code as it sits outside their cafeteria.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/US/06/19/cracking....code/index.html
Well this is pretty exciting! I wonder what the rest of the cryptic message will say? The other question I have is how long have people really known about it? With the CIA, its a good bet that someone knew about it well before it was publicized. Of course, if it means something really important, I doubt we will ever hear what it says.