LDS Perspective: Terrorism

Lds Perspective Terrorism - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 30th May, 2003 - 2:09am

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29th Apr, 2003 - 9:08pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Terrorism

When should we retaliate to terorism? In the D&C section 98: verse 34 to 37 is very interesting. And it is also helpful in the individual lives of each of us.

Question how many times did the US put forth this standard to Iraq?

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Post Date: 3rd May, 2003 - 12:47pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Terrorism
A Friend

Terrorism Perspective LDS

The Book of Mormon has some great accounts of what you could call 'terrorist' movements, they sought for power and abused that power when it was obtained. They were bound by secret oaths and covenants and they sort to destroy the way of life of the Nephites, they (the Nephites) constantly sort to defend themselves from these 'terrorists' but they eventually infested the land and they gained power over the Nephites.

It is a interesting question "when should we retaliate to terrorism", I personally feel that we should before we are overpowered by it. That is my personal opinion.

We need to defend our way of life and our freedom, when, and if, it is threatened from those who seek to destroy it.

Thats what I think anyway.  

3rd May, 2003 - 12:58pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Terrorism Studies Doctrine Mormon

It is a interesting question "when should we retaliate to terrorism", I personally feel that we should before we are overpowered by it. That is my personal opinion. 

We need to defend our way of life and our freedom, when, and if, it is threatened from those who seek to destroy it.

Okay but what about when is not your country the one that is being threatened? you think is okay to go to another country to stop 'terrorism', even if nobody ask for it?

Post Date: 3rd May, 2003 - 1:19pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Terrorism
A Friend

Terrorism Perspective LDS


Okay but what about when is not your country the one that is being threatened? you think is okay to go to another country to stop 'terrorism', even if nobody ask for it?

I don't think that the Lord justifies wars of aggression at all in any way, I don't believe that we are 'defending' ourselves when we are being the aggressor.

I dont believe the grounds for war in Iraq were enough to launch an attack, and I don't like war at all.

The war in Iraq was caused mainly because of the question of weapons of mass destruction, terrorist links were supposed to be involved, but again there was not any grounds to launch an all out attack on the country of Iraq. Well I don't think there was.

Terrorism is a tough one though because it is hard to seek out those who are responsible for it and bring them to justice, well at least it seems that way.

The terrorist networks are all over the world and it is very hard to defend ourselves against this concern.

It seems to me like a repeat of what is recorded in the Book of Mormon.

3rd May, 2003 - 4:05pm / Post ID: #

Terrorism Perspective LDS

Bell, I agree with you in all what you said. smile.gif I hate wars, I think they bring so much pain and suffering to people...but what do you think about the words of Pres. Hinckley about supporting Pres. Bush in this war 'against terrorism' do you think he was talking to the American members in general or to everybody around the world? What about if a person feels different about this war and doesn't seem like a war against terrorism? what the member should do?

Post Date: 4th May, 2003 - 1:59pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Terrorism
A Friend

LDS Perspective: Terrorism

what do you think about the words of Pres. Hinckley about supporting Pres. Bush in this war 'against terrorism' do you think he was talking to the American members in general or to everybody around the world? What about if a person feels different about this war and doesn't seem like a war against terrorism? what the member should do?

I think President Hinckley was speaking to the members around the world, he spoke of our loyalty to goverments and the responsibility to defend ourselves, and on the other hand he spoke about our right to proclaim peace and speak out against war.

One passage of his address stands out to me and I think that it helps us to know as members what we should do, despite our views on the subject.

These are President Hinckleys words:

This places us in the position of those who long for peace, who teach peace, who work for peace, but who also are citizens of nations and are subject to the laws of our governments. Furthermore, we are a freedom-loving people, committed to the defense of liberty wherever it is in jeopardy. I believe that God will not hold men and women in uniform responsible as agents of their government in carrying forward that which they are legally obligated to do. It may even be that He will hold us responsible if we try to impede or hedge up the way of those who are involved in a contest with forces of evil and repression.

Now, there is much that we can and must do in these perilous times. We can give our opinions on the merits of the situation as we see it, but never let us become a party to words or works of evil concerning our brothers and sisters in various nations on one side or the other. Political differences never justify hatred or ill will. I hope that the Lord's people may be at peace one with another during times of trouble, regardless of what loyalties they may have to different governments or parties.

Let us pray for those who are called upon to bear arms by their respective governments and plead for the protection of heaven upon them that they may return to their loved ones in safety.

To our brothers and sisters in harm's way, we say that we pray for you. We pray that the Lord will watch over you and preserve you from injury and that you may return home and pick up your lives again. We know that you are not in that land of blowing sand and brutal heat because you enjoy the games of war. The strength of your commitment is measured by your willingness to give your very lives for that in which you believe.
(April 2003 General Conference)

The best things we can do as members is pray for those who are called to take up arms by the goverment and also those in harms way, and be at peace with one another despite the loyalties we have to any goverment.

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4th May, 2003 - 4:35pm / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective Terrorism

Thanks Bell, that was a great explanation. I personally disagree with any kind of war, I think they're evil. This war particularly against Iraq, I disagree too although I can understand why they're doing it. So when I heard Pres. Hinckley supporting somehow this war, I was a bit sad because I didn't feel the same way. But it's good to know that he also says that we have the right to disagree with it and that we should pray for those people out there. I think that's key point in here...whether the war is wrong or not, there is nothing we can do now about it but to ask God to protect the people there. Thanks for the info and the words. wink.gif

Post Date: 30th May, 2003 - 2:09am / Post ID: #

LDS Perspective: Terrorism
A Friend

LDS Perspective Terrorism Mormon Doctrine Studies

"Okay but what about when is not your country the one that is being threatened? you think is okay to go to another country to stop 'terrorism', even if nobody ask for it? "

I don't understand this question.  Nobody has asked us not to stop terrorism in their country.  If you are refering to Iraq, the Prophet has made it clear that this is a continuation of the war on terrorism, something in the PROPHET makes him feel this war is justified and those who try to stand in the way will be held accountable before the Lord.

As part of our religion we are obligated to accept ALL truth and reject ALL lies no matter what the source.  That includes rejecting the misinform anti american propoganda.  As Brigham Young put it all truth pertains to Mormonism.

"What about if a person feels different about this war and doesn't seem like a war against terrorism? what the member should do? "

I can tell you what the member should do that does not like the war on terrorism, they should understand that nobody in their right mind likes the war on terrorism and instead of spending their days believing the Bush bashing lies that they do, they should blaim the terrorist for a change.  They should understand that we have a prophet that has specifically said that terrorist need to be held accountable and need to be brought to justice.  They should understand too that it is a fact that Saddam payed the families of Palestinian bombers.  That is under no uncertain terms sponsoring terrorism.  But Saddam is out of power, the people of Iraq for the most part are glad we did what we did I hope we do better at establishing order and democracy can be possible soon so that we can send missionaries into that country, and hey it has to come to pass sooner or later.  You may not like that we did the war, but the Lord knew this would come to pass.  I am certanly more opptomistic about the future of Iraq when I see that a number of those who died in the war on the US side were lds fighting for their freedom, I am also very opt about seeing pictures of men in Iraq letting American soldiers be kissed by their little children.  It makes me so glad I think we should ignore the UN more often.

The prophet made a point that people had a right to disagree and protest the war legally, he did not say however that is what the Saints should be doing, again he made it clear that those who stand in the way will be held accountable before the Lord.  Again, he made it clear that this is a continuation of the war on terrorism and therefore his words in the conference of October 2001 still apply. I believe that the Saints who try to stand in the way ought to understand that as world events come to pass sometimes things have to happen that we don't like iin order for the Lord to fulfill his purpose with the children of men.  President Bush has done far more for the salvation of God's children in Iraq than many of the in our church who complain about what he does ever will.  He has opened a way through his prayerful leadership that will make it so soon missionaries will be called to serve in Bagdad, and as Bush anticipates democracy as it increases iin Iraq will spread to the other parts of the mid east, an essential if we are to send the Gospel there.  The Gospel does not spread to countries governed by dictators that sponsor terrorism, it never happens.  

I'm not too particular about people who like war either, but my eyebrows raise when I see over and over Bush getting the blaim for all this when it was in fact the terrorist that have been attacking the world that are to blaim and those who sponsored them.  Note I did not say that it was just the ones that attacked
the United States.  Terrorism is a sick joke, wherever it is and attacking Bush and America for going after them is like attacking the police for hunting down a murder.  I would like to know, for those lds who think that Saddam was non terrorist friendly, do they know about the praises that Bin Ladin was receiving in the state run Iraqui newspaper prior to 9/11.  Statements made praising Bin Ladin including refering him as the one who could take out the white house, does anyone know about the article in the Iraqui newspaper that promised prior to 9/11 that American's would lament the soung of Frank Sanatra called "New York New York"?  

How does the Lord tell us to react to wars?  He says this "see that ye be not troubled"

War is a reality till the Second Coming, I don't pray for peace in the world, but I pray for peace in the hearts of the rightous and innocent wherever they be.  Praying for world peace knowing full well that the wars that are to take place prior to the coming of the Son of Man have begun in 1861 and will not terminate till Jesus comes is vanitity to me.  The word of God has been spoken.  

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