Humans place a lot of emphasis on sight and can rarely function without it. However, it may be well to practise your ability to do without sight to see how you can manage. You can do this by having someone place heavy cloth around your eyes and then ask you to do things such as 'turn on the light', 'find the exit', 'find the matches', 'find the candles', etc. This can become reality if there is a blackout and you cannot see.
As a kid I loved a game called "blindman's buff". One of the kids is "blinded" with a muffler and he/she has to catch some other kid. Sometimes we played it in my home, so with my brother we started to "practice" before the others came. It was quite useful, because we always managed to catch someone rather quickly.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 19 1.9%
As part of a US Scout Badge I had to do this for an hour so that I could gain empathy for how those who are sightless have to maneuver. It gave me a greater appreciation for that. As far as the test within my home, I have done that a number of times and feel I can get around to finding things if there was total darkness.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
I've never tested myself for this -- it never occurred to me to do it! But I can see that it would be a good idea, particularly in a blackout scenario. One more thing to add to my survival storage: planning!
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
we liked playing blind man's bluff as well. People still do it today and I would count the numerous blind walks I have been on whilst at camp...I always banged into trees. I would tie a bandanna around my eyes and have someone take me around a course or even follow a piece of string to see whether I would be abe to sense any dangers in my way ( like a chair, tree etc). Sometimes it was hard if no one was there to guide me.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 3 0.3%