Regardless of your current schedule, if you had the chance to arise at the time you wanted to get up what time would that be and why?
I find that I function quite well if I can sleep until 8:00 AM. Even if I stay up until 2:00 AM. However, I can go to bed at 8:30 PM, and when I get up between 5:00 and 6:00 AM, I have a very difficult time during the entire day.
I love getting up early, and 5 a.m. is usually the best for me. The house is quiet because everyone is asleep. I can read my scriptures, check email, get my work out or walk done before 6 a.m., shower, and be dressed and ready for the day by 7 a.m. ... Then everyone else gets up and it's noise and chaos the rest of the day Morning is my quiet time, that's just for me.
If I just could ... I would get up at 5am every morning.
I did it for a few times for different reasons and it felt really good. The day seemed to be longer and I had time to fulfill my planned chores in a more effective way. Besides, I could accomplish some additional tasks!
There also were times when I woke up at 5 am, felt so full of power and freshness, yet, for other reasons got back into bed. Waking up later around 7am, I felt so tired as if I did not close an eye the whole night. In those moments I whished I stayed awake at 5 am, the first time when opening my eyes. Edited: mamahuana on 21st Jun, 2005 - 1:32pm
I voted for 6:00 a.m., but I would prefer 7:00. It is just that my body generally won't sleep past 6:00. If I awake at 6:00 and go back to sleep then I am too groggy at 7:00. Hence the choice of 6:00.
I usually get up around 5:00 for work, but will wake up around 6:00 on my own so that seems to be a good choice. This early to rise thing has always been my way, but as I have gotten older, it has gotten earlier.