I am looking for someone who might be able to illustrate a character of mine. He is a minotaur. I have tried to draw a picture before, but I don't have very steady hands and am not very good at drawing anyway.
There is a catch though, I don't have any money or a job right now, so I wont be able to pay for it.
If there is anyone who would be interested in taking on this project let me know and I will supply you with details.
Ok then, here are the details:
Race: Minotaur
Body features: 7'7" (I don't think that will make a difference in a picture), hair covering all of the body 4-7" long
Horns: Short-Medium length, white at the base, blending to black
Eyes: dark green
Worn: Chain necklace with a small gold ring, silver ring with a black dragon etched into it, belt or sash across shoulders, connecting at the bottom to another belt around the waist
This character is mainly an evil character, so I am picturing an evil aura about him or something like that.
There is a catch though, I don't have any money or a job right now, so I wont be able to pay for it. |
This picture will be for A book that I am currently Working on.
If you plan to draw it, the sword has a specific shape to it. I would post a picture of it, but I'm not sure just how to do that via iPod touch.
Later if I can get on my laptop, I'll post it, or at least a link to it
Here is the picture, it's a little blurry.
On the backside of the blade, there are 5 spines coming out and downward, on the front side, a small sword breaker built into the blade shaped like a backward 'C'. It is supposed to be further down.
The sword is two handed and at the bottom is a diamond encrusted into the hilt.
It is jet black, not gray or silver. Source 3