A second cloak tis ok I shall pay ye and take it 2gp I believe. never hurt to have a spare.
chuckles thinking tortdog looks like a moving supply store
Perhaps I can carry your rope also if you like.
ooc I will enter that we will travel with the intention of stopping far enough not to be seen yet close enough to watch the pass and go through come dusk. Time moves quick so must we.
ooc: GM responded that we don't track weights. We either are overencumbered or we're not. So below follows my suggested party order:
1) I bury all but 7 gold under a rock at my house. If I can't do that, I put the gold in my saddle bag.
2) I keep only on my person and in my belt pouch:
* leather armor/boots and cloak
* dagger, short bow and arrows
* quill and map
* water and 1 ration
2) on my horse and in the saddle bags I stow/anchor:
* clothes/extra cloak
* Torch/flint
* cage/bird
* rope
* rod
* skin dye
* healers pouch with ingredients
* all oats and remaining rations/water
3) If I personally am overencumbered, then I stow all my water and rations on my horse (or in the saddle bags).
4) If my horse is STILL overencumbered, then I give my rope/cloak to Kalfie.
5) If my horse is STILL overencumbered, I give Kalife a couple bags of oats
6) If my horse is STILL overencumbered, I feed one bag of oats to horse as he walks
7) IF my horse is STILL overencumbered, I on regardless, putting oats in small bag ready to be cast off in an emergency so as to not be overencumbered.
Hope that gets me over being overencumbered. Not sure how else to write it.
Edited: tortdog on 29th Aug, 2007 - 12:40pm
Ok tortdog tell me your wish here I bought the extra cloak as I thought it might be handy if we need to make a dummy as a decoy or something.
What do you wish to do with rope you can give it to me that means it becomes mine....I would be glad to return it at end of adventure or you can store it in town or sell it in market get half price for it. your choice. The oats we can all feed horses from extra but remember you only have 3 bags to start I think. Check but I think one bag oats is 2 days feed.
Stash it with a friend if you like. after all we live in the area you must be able to do that I would think.
OOC I just found out my wife wishes to leave for the Labour day weekend so I would be away from this Friday to Monday. I would likey be able to respond to any issues on Monday night late. I hate traveling this weekend! Arg. Sorry all
Okay. I give you the rope. You purchased the cloak. I think we need to post the purchase for the GM on that one thread so he knows to update. But I'm not worried about it.
If I am now unencumbered, then we're done. If GM determines I am still overencumbered, then:
1) I bury all but 7 gold under a rock at my house. If I can't do that, I put the gold in my saddle bag.
2) I keep only on my person and in my belt pouch:
* leather armor/boots and cloak
* dagger, short bow and arrows
* quill and map
* water and 1 ration
2) on my horse and in the saddle bags I stow/anchor:
* clothes
* Torch/flint
* cage/bird
* rod (within reach)
* skin dye
* healers pouch with ingredients
* all oats and remaining rations/water
3) If I personally am overencumbered, then I stow all my water and rations on my horse (or in the saddle bags).
4) If my horse is STILL overencumbered, I give Kalife a couple bags of oats
5) If my horse is STILL overencumbered, I feed one bag of oats to horse as he walks
6) IF my horse is STILL overencumbered, I on regardless, putting oats in small bag ready to be cast off in an emergency so as to not be overencumbered.
Hope that gets me over being overencumbered. Not sure how else to write it.
ooc: Have fun on your trip. Make sure GM knows so he doesn't get frustrated with 3 days of no party order. Don't think we should try to go without you.
ooc: GM is wanting to know the number of the bags I give you. He also is questioning how to feed a horse while it's walking. I read on this site that we have feed bags that go onto the horse that allows him to feed while walking. If that's no longer the case (village game me the wrong bags? then so be it).
I suggest the following (assuming we do not have feed bags):
* Tortdog gives the rope over to Kalife. He then checks to see whether he feels overencumbered still. If he does, he gives one oat bag to Kalife. He and Kalife check to make sure neither is overencumbered. If Tortdog remains overencumbered and Kalife is not, then Tortdog gives a second oat bag to Kalife for his horse. Kalife and Tortdog now smile and continue on.
ooc: Short of that, I don't know how else to do get unencumbered. I'm shooting in the dark here.
ooc: That was a great post in the party thread. I think you completely handled the situation well (including the feed bag). Brilliant! Glad to have you as the leader. I just hope all the "ifs" don't upset the GM. Best we could do under the circumstances, though.
ooc Yes I know the GM prefers here we are doing this. But to save multiple posts I think that should do it. Thanks I will have to put much more typing and thought into all posts now to make up for that mess though.