ooc: I didn't see any of this as your mess. Not at all. I've just seen your patience and ability to work things over for a positive response from the GM. Give yourself a pat on the back!
Daphne would thank you for your service, but she's not quite sharp enough, know what I mean?
smiles while looking towards Daphne and regains a perplexed expression while gazing at her map
OOC: How do we whisper to people, without others finding out? Saying we MIGHT have a need in the future? Or ... what if a person wanted to do something secret and not have any in the company know (but the GM would have to know). I'm assuming we can't do any of that. Not that I would ever want to, of course.
OOC: Scout never heard my comments. I had whispered them to the two of you and Scout wasn't even around. GM reflected that (thankfully).
I think we should skip looking for game. If something pops up along the way (doubtful) then we send my dog to grab it. But probably won't happen.
Respond that I've never been to Greystalk and inquire if he has any contacts there we could meet up with who would be useful in training us in our arts (or perhaps in the village as well).
Other questions I ask:
* Have you heard rumors of any parties who made it the southern mountains, and if so how?
* Might it be safer to go via the east, through the mountain pass there, and run along the mountains to approach Death's Mouth from the other side? If so, why or why not?
* Has he noticed that every cave in the area of Death's Mouth is occupied by bandits or the like?
* Has he heard of any rumors of friendly people/creatures more aware of Death's Mouth than he, or who inhabit the area of Death's Mouth?
* What does he believe our best chance would be to go through Death's Mouth unseen?
* Is he aware of any locations where former parties may have dropped their equipment which might prove useful to us?
* If we find ourselves being chased at or near Death's Mouth, where could we go to hide from those who are seeking us? Would you please help me find it as we go along so that I mark it on this map?
Let Scout see map and ask which parts I should correct to make it more accurate. I make all corrections per his instructions/comments.
That's all I can think of. Do you two have any to ask Scout? We have to be specific and let's ask away while we can before he disappears!
Also, every time Scout makes a comment on the surroundings I mark it on the map and continue to update along the entire journey, noting peculiar rock outcroppings, trees, mountain ranges, buildings, camps, and water holes.
Edited: tortdog on 29th Aug, 2007 - 5:56pm
ooc Take a look at the secret order it provides for a means similar to this for premium players. Also we have pm's that can be used out side of game to make plot which then can be posted in game or in secret order.
OOC: I wonder if the people in Greystalk can give us a hand by giving us some soldiers or maybe some information? We should ask Scout to tell us what he knows about Death Mouth and what is there we may probably be facing. We should also ask him what way is the safest to cross it.
How about promising to him a portion of any gold would we return safely, and reminding him that we are there to help protect the village from what might attack it?
OOC: Isn't Scout telling us straight how can we cross death mouth when he says:
3. Meh advice be this... find a place wherewith ye can climb and scope the area. Then shall ye find the best path. |
8. I am unsure, but to the West of the opening of Death's Mouth I feel there is a ridge not too steep that may be climbed. |
Immediately starts working with the dog on being silent, over and over and over again.
I'm pretty nervous about the noise this dog is making. Very nervous. If he starts to cause problems...
Anyhow, so obviously it's like Daphne says, to the west. Sounds straight forward enough. The question is whether it be safer to approach the ridge at night time or during the day.
Maybe we can ask Scout if he knows how to best protect ourselves from wolves and vampire bats as well.