Instant Response & Acknowledgment

Instant Response Acknowledgment - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 20th Jun, 2007 - 12:48am

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Posts: 15 - Views: 2423
Poll: Anytime I reply to a thread I expect...
  Instant responses from anyone       0.00%
  Instant responses from Admin or the Mods       0.00%
  A response at anytime during the next few days       33.33%
  A response at anytime, meanwhile I look for other topics       50.00%
  To return to the Community only when a reply is given       0.00%
  I do not expect anything, I am merely stating my view       16.67%
  I expect nothing I am just interested in getting FP       0.00%
Total Votes: 12
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What kind of reply are you expecting?
4th Jul, 2005 - 10:56pm / Post ID: #

Instant Response & Acknowledgment

Instant Response & Acknowledgment

First of all let me be clear, this is not about any active member of the Community. This mostly comes out of the feedback given from users who delete their account. The reasons they give are sometimes hilarious and fictitious, but then we also have a large population of 'lookers'... they are not active in posting simply because no one is paying attention to them specifically, read on.

Within the Community there are more than 100 Boards and tens of thousands of Topics containing almost all subjects imaginable. Topics not contained after doing a search are usually added via one of the Bots or Members. This means that no matter who you are or your background there is bound to be something for which you can either learn or contribute your knowledge to. If you deny that then this is most likely the wrong place for you.

In observing posting habits most members seem to want to be the center of the conversation rather than be part of it. Topics can be built upon by finding facts and adding to the subject or speaking from experience, however, many seem to not be able to look for Topics that are of interest to them and when they do find one thread they then reply to it expecting an ongoing reply in a timely manner (usually a day or the same day). It seems that their interest is focused on what others think about them or value what they have to say rather than what they can add to the discussion.

What are your thoughts about this?

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5th Jul, 2005 - 2:54am / Post ID: #

Acknowledgment and Response Instant

As this is a message-board style forum, and not a chat room, I don't expect instantaneous replies to my posts. I understand that most people have other pursuits in life than this forum -- like jobs, school, families, hobbies, reading, regular meals, etc. (you know, life) -- and are not here 24/7 just to answer my posts. In fact, certain topics require a little more thought than others. It may take me a week to mull over certain topics before I reply, and some I may not feel I have anything at all to contribute to the discussion, and therefore won't post anything at all.

Having said that, there are times when I've posted a new topic and was quite anxious for replies; however, I understood that I had to wait for someone to actually read it before I could get that reply! Generally, a response within a day or two I feel is normal and more than acceptable to my expectations.


Post Date: 5th Jul, 2005 - 1:20pm / Post ID: #

Instant Response & Acknowledgment
A Friend

Instant Response & Acknowledgment Feedback & FAQ News Community

I agree. I recently started two new threads, and I admit I was anxious to see responses, but I fully understood just by observing before that most people take a little while to come around. I don't expect instant responses either, because I know that just because someone is online, it doesn't mean they are even on the forum and could be busy doing something else.

6th Aug, 2005 - 4:08pm / Post ID: #

Acknowledgment and Response Instant

I like to read the posts and reply, meaning that I don't necessarily "wait" for an answer, more like I want to add something to the topic. On the other hand, I do wait - a few days - for responses when I start a new thread. The more responses I get, the happier I am, because that means the topic was interesting.

Post Date: 21st Dec, 2005 - 7:27am / Post ID: #

Instant Response & Acknowledgment
A Friend

Acknowledgment and Response Instant

I will admit that a couple of times I have been so excited about a post, because I thought it was a neat post, and waited anxiously for a reply and got either one or no replies, and so I felt just a tiny bit disapointed. But it doesn't happen very often. I love to read posts by other people more than I do having my own input, which is one reason I like starting posts. If I have a question, no matter how quirky or serious, I like to hear the feedback from other people. Not because I want to feel "special" or anything because people are replying in my thread, but because there is such a diverse population and creative mind within every member on here that the variety is amazing.

Still, if it doesn't get a reply within a couple days while I'm posting about, I have tendency to forget about it. I don't harbour secret bitterness that everybody on the boards hate me because they won't reply to one or two of my threads. **melodramatic sob** wink.gif For the record, complete sarcasm was meant in that. I don't want anybody taking me seriously that I really am bitter about people not replying to my posts.

6th Jan, 2006 - 1:17am / Post ID: #

Instant Response & Acknowledgment

I believe one of the problems with a Community this big is that there are not enough specialists and too many areas for distraction. For instance, we have a lot computer geeks here, but none so much so (nerd level) that they go though the many topics within the Computer Boards and give there reply. They instead become enticed with other topics that are of interest to them like Entertainment as an example. So, someone will come along, post in the Computer Board and it goes unnoticed. A good example of this is the 'Reason' field in most Members profile where they will often put that there reason for being here is 'x' when in fact they are more involved with 'y'. For me there are some Boards that do not escape my attention: LDS Boards and the Welcome Board. You can be sure that those two Boards are always answered when I am online.

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19th Jun, 2007 - 9:10pm / Post ID: #

Instant Response & Acknowledgment

Whenever I start a new thread, I do feel a little anxious waiting for a response. The reason for this is, I started the thread to examine different views and also, to learn something new! Of course, my expectations to receive an instant response is non existent. I know that people do have lives outside the cyberworld and therefore, it would be unreasonable to expect an instant response.

In observing posting habits most members seem to want to be the center of the conversation rather than be part of it. Topics can be built upon by finding facts and adding to the subject or speaking from experience, however, many seem to not be able to look for Topics that are of interest to them and when they do find one thread they then reply to it expecting an ongoing reply in a timely manner (usually a day or the same day). It seems that their interest is focused on what others think about them or value what they have to say rather than what they can add to the discussion.

I think that this is derived from one of the social needs of every human being. When an individual is searching for a group, the most important need that must be fulfilled is acceptance. This is why you may notice that some members are interested in learning what others think about them rather than focus on the quality of their contribution. Also, it may be an insecurity issue. There are individuals out there who: have never received any love or attention from their parents or have been heavily criticized by others. For these individuals, it is only logical to seek other persons, who may have the potential of satisfying their emotional needs.

20th Jun, 2007 - 12:48am / Post ID: #

Instant Response & Acknowledgment Community News FAQ & Feedback

Sometimes, I float a topic out there that I think might get some people interested and no one responds to it and others there is a good response. It is hit and miss and my feelings aren't hurt either way. The fact that I submitted a topic means that I looked up information on it or did a bit of studying about it and I have been enriched by that effort. I do not think badly upon those that do not comment as perhaps they have actually read and studied what I submitted, but just have no comment on it. Perhaps they just aren't interested in the subject as well.

As far as instant feedback on a post I make, I hold no one to a time clock. Some post lend themselves to a good quick easy reply, others require some research before you put fingers to the keyboard and still some require no other comments. If my comments are upsetting someone (you can tell in the post), I may just choose to drop the subject.

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 20th Jun, 2007 - 12:50am

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> TOPIC: Instant Response & Acknowledgment


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