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An eight-year-old girl who escaped the violence of Angola's civil strife and came to London with an aunt in the hope of a happier life, instead endured cruelty and torture at the hands of adults who claimed that she was a witch. |
Since when did the world decide to go backwards socially instead of forward? Instead of getting help for those mentally ill, are we going to start claiming they are possessed now? Is it time to start up the Inquisition and the salem witch burnings again? These are children of different beliefs, what is the deal with needing to exorcise them! To me, this represents both ignorance and extremism all wrapped up into one.
I don't know if you read the article, but the British are certainly trying to get a handle on this problem. While they have rescued the one girl, there seems to be a fairly strong subculture among the immigrant population where this type of thing is common.
So, I agree with you completely. That is why I brought it up here.
I did read the article. I am just upset that this type of thing is even becoming a problem anywhere again. The entire problem has me upset, I don't understand how a parents beliefs can twist so much as to torture their own kid to get a demon out. The majority of these immigrants most likely didn't believe this way before, how could they allow the beliefs systems to mix in such a bad fashion?
I am not surprised by this, when I proselyted the streets of England during the early 90s I came across many houses that had people and ideals that were very close to that of an amusement park ghost ride (no disrespect to the British), but their homes were covered with artifacts of torture, blood and gore and they seemed quite naturally disposed to it. Apparently for some old Celtic beliefs have not died with Avalon.