Ladies, can it be that we always must have flowers, chocolates and jewelry? What else can we get? Funny, it sounds like we have to say what we will get
Not all women, I don't have to always have flowers or chocolate or jewelry but I must have some extra cash and shop for clothing, shoes and bags! I loveeeee to buy shoes and clothes. I also love to shop for cremes, make up, lotions, etc.
Don't buy anything with an electric cord attached to it
No vacuums, toasters, or other appliances unless we specifically asked you for it, please!!
Perfume that YOU like...
A book that you know I would like to read...
A nice journal with pretty paper and a nice cover...
Come on! You can be creative! What I *really* want is to know that YOU TOOK TIME to think of me and decide what you thought I would like, rather than just grab some candy and flowers and call it good, with no thought other than you "have to" get a gift...
In my opinion, of course.
And the best way to woo women is.
Reuters - Forget expensive presents or costly jewelry. Wining and dining is the best way for men to woo women, scientists said Tuesday
Ref. https://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor.ce_courtship_dc
I have to admit, I like the wining and dining idea. I like the fact that you can have some nice conversation and be face to face (or side by side) with someone you love. It's exhausting running around after a young child and sometimes I just like to be surprised by "Hey honey.. let's go out to eat tonight".
I won't dismiss the fact that I like jewelry - I'm a woman. My husband bought me this necklace and periodically since we've been together, he's bought me different pendants to put on it. depending on my mood or to match what I'm wearing. I love it. It's great that it's a gift that sorta renews itself each time I get a new pendant.