Tiempo FAQ

Tiempo Faq - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 9th Apr, 2007 - 1:27pm

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Post Date: 17th Jul, 2005 - 10:57pm / Post ID: #

Tiempo FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who can play Tiempo?
A. Any member with 'x' amount of Posts under their belt.

Q. I am not an upgraded member, can I play Tiempo?
A. Yes, so long as you have the required number of Posts. To know how many Posts you need try to login via the link above.

Q. How can I play this and the other RPGs at the same time?
A. Donate and upgrade to at least Premium Membership and get access to FP and other hidden godies.

Q. How do I log into the game?
A. Via the link at the top of this Board.

Q. Which password do I use for this game?
A. The one you create when you click the 'First Time' button. It does not have to be the same as your Forum password, unless you want it to be that way.

Q. What Username do I use?
A. The same Username - it will be automatically entered along with your current Email address.

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Post Date: 18th Jul, 2005 - 10:37pm / Post ID: #

FAQ Tiempo

Q. When I enter the game won't players have me at an advantage?
A. New players get 200 turns in which to build up their Empire without being attacked. This gives you the chance to prepare.

Q. I made a few turns and then it asked me for a validation number, why?
A. This is a default in the script. Just enter the code sent to you by Email.

Q. How come I see medieval equipment mixed with modern day and future equipment?
A. An ancient myth says that time warp capabilities were discovered and harnessed by an Evil Wizard that wanted to claim ultimate power, but no one is sure as some believe it was given via aliens and yet others do not care, so long as they can plug into the power of the Ages.

Q. Why does it say 'You do not have enough turns!'?
A. Tiempo is turn based so this means you have to complete a certain number of moves per day or time period. When you have completed your turns then you can come back the next day to initiate more.

Q, Doesn't having the 'turns' system keep players back?
A. In fact it actually stops players from running away with the game. Just think if your enemy had an unlimited number of turns to attack you then you would not even get a chance to build up your Empire. Having turns enables everyone to use them wisely. Keep in mind that some things you do takes up more than one turn so use your 'turns' wisely.

Q. Why does it say sometimes 'You get 1 turn every 10 minutes | Next turn in 9 minutes'?
A. When you first start the game you get a certain number of turns, after that you have to gain them through real time. So in the example above you get 1 turn every 10 minutes of real time. So in the space of an hour you will have six turns at your disposal. The part that says 'Next turn in 9 minutes' merely is a convenient way of letting you know the number of minutes before you have earned a turn.

Q. So, since this is done in real time does that mean I will have to be around to battle?
A. Yes and no, there is a built in system that allows you to place your Empire on hold for up to 72 hours, but if you are to progress you cannot allow others to gain turns on you. Basically the more time you dedicate to the game the better your chance for a great Empire.

Post Date: 9th Apr, 2007 - 1:27pm / Post ID: #

Tiempo FAQ Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Q. Wasn't Tiempo originally for Upgraded Members?
A. Yes, but we are changing that on most of our RPGs so that it is open to all. Before we did not have the server resources to run so many games, but now we do, so enjoy!

Q. Do you have other similar RPGs that run like Tiempo?
A. Yes, check the RPG page as we have a number of them: Ruler of Kings and Solo. There may be even more in the future.

Q. Where or how do I send messages to other players?
A. You use the Tiempo Board, this prevents spam.

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