About Tiempo Rpg

About Tiempo Rpg - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 19th Jul, 2005 - 1:29pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Post Date: 17th Jul, 2005 - 8:05pm / Post ID: #

About Tiempo Rpg


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About Tiempo RPG

Tiempo RPG is based on a GNU PHP script that I modified for use within this Community. No, do not think I created a whole script again, Plugged and the others is enough coding for me. Anyway, the name 'Tiempo' is 'Time' in Spanish, but do not worry, the game is in English, I merely named it that for two reasons; 1. the element of time is very important in the game and 2. the theme is based on massive time warps.

What is Tiempo RPG?

The Goal for you as leader of a newly founded Empire, is to become supreme to all others. Using everything from diplomacy to war, you must strive to build an Empire wealthier than all others (measured in net worth). Through this all, you will compete against other players in the Community all vying to achieve the same goals.

You accomplish this via an online script that allows you 'turns' (better known as turn-based RPG). This means that you can compete against other Community members when they take their turn, but do not worry, you do not have to wait on them per se, as you can store up your 'turns' and attack, communicate, venture, etc. There is NO intervention from the GM which makes it all easier to manage and avoids delays.

How Do I Start?

1. Post 'x' Constructive Messages within the Community (Try to Login Now and you will be told how many you need).

2. Login via: HERE or the link to the top of this Board (Tiempo Board).

3. Click on the 'First Time' button and enter your details.

3. You will be presented with a mass amount of information upon successful login, we recommend that you FIRST click on the link for the 'guide' and then learn how to play from there.

The Purpose of this Board?

This Board enables players to communicate with each other with regards to the game. Here they can discuss forming clans, allies, partnerships or even boast of their accomplishments. You may also get tips from more experienced players.

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Post Date: 19th Jul, 2005 - 1:29pm / Post ID: #

Rpg Tiempo About

user posted image

History of it All

You enquire of a librarian in the Kingdom's place of education about a certain fable that has recently wrought distress upon your night's dreams. The old man who works the place of ancient books and scrolls pulls up a chair and bids you sit as he tells a short tale with much concern from his weary brow.

"It is said by many through old hags and fable storytellers, who would have you believe as they do, that an ancient Wizard of evil report dared to find an alterer method for ultimate power. He by dastardly design used his magics and came up with what he called a 'Time Warp' that would later be called, 'Tiempo'.

Although not understood, the Wizard then sought to bring into this world strange creatures, equipment that moved on its own and lights that have no fire. With this new found domination over time the Wizard sought an even greater authority - the very Kingdom itself that we now live in, but the King of the time, may the spirits rest his soul, would not allow for such to overcome him and by great design and a gathering of other Kings and Emperors of the World a pact was made that with unified forces they would defeat the Wizard and so it was done, but only after massive losses and the stealth of a few brave Knights that got into his Watch Tower unseen. However, this Great Victory was not the end, as each King in this conquest against the Evil Wizard sought to also tap the power the Wizard once had and so the story continues with you sire, as one who also seeks to Rule the Empires, but only Tiempo will tell..."

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