Party Order Thread Open
Seeing that you people are beginning to assemble yourselves again this Thread is now open.
NOTE: Please do be more serious in what you will do, or should I say 'careful', I am not a Bob Barker type of GM, I play realistic, so if you do something stupid you will get an arrow in your gut.
Thank you kindly...
After sorting every thing out with the soldiers Daphne and Kalfie head back to camp where they meet a young thief (tortdog) who joins their ranks.
Kalfie and tortdog come to an understanding on the price of the spare horse and equipment that Toranez had borrowed from Kalfie. So tort dog buys them at a cost of 65 gp. (tortedog now has 199 - 65 gp = 134 gp Kalfie 61+65= 126 gp)
Light horse for riding
sadle blanket
Sadle bag
Oat Bag
Oats(7days worth)
tortdog goes to town and purchases the following items:
Canary 1
Cage 1
Leather armor 1
Rod 1
Rope 1
Bow, short 1
Arrows 1
Dry rations 3
Scroll 1
Skin dye 1
Water skins 3
Healers pouch 1
Herbs, healing 1
Herbs, disease 1
Poison cure 1
cloak 1
Cost 64 gp
had 199 -64-65=70gp left
All adventures chip in 50 gp to pay for scout.
Kalfie buys from merchant
flint 1gp
2 torches 2gp
helmet 20gp
2dry rations 2gp
1oat 1gp
126 gp - 26 gp = 100 gp
tortdog 72-50= 22gp left
daphne 80-50 = 30gp left
kalfie 100-50 = 50 gp left
(ooc if the horse that had been used by Toranez is not in Kalfie's possession any longer then tortdog will buy same supplies but from merchant thus reducing his total gp left at end by 16 gp. Kalfie will not buy the helm either thus reducing his expenditure's buy 20 gp and left gp would be 5.)
Daphne hands over what was they had as a map to tortdog in hopes that his navigational skills might be better to create a better map.
The new Walking/Riding Order will be
Who will be in the lead: Scout
Who will be second in lead: Kalfie (krakyn)
Who will be in second from rear:tortdog (tortdog)
Who will be in the rear: Daphne (LDS_forever)
Who will negotiate for the party: tortdog
The party is planning to pay scout for his service to get closer to Deaths mouth and will pay 150 gp. It is planned that we will stop at appropriate clean water sources to refill water skins and let the horses graze.
Kalfie at these times is looking for an appropriate size branch/sapling to cut into a 8' length and about 4 " in dia. The dryer the wood the better.
tortdog will continue to train his dog both in verbal and nonverbal commands as they travel and during rest periods. He will also try to draw a map that would serve well enough to guide their return.
Once Scout appears Kalfie lets Scout know they plan to get him to take them within a distance of the Deaths Mouth that would allow them to rest their horses without being spotted from the mountains. Then come dusk when visibility from the mountains is lower they hope to cross the opening. He also relays the hope of being able to stop for fresh water and to hunt some fresh meat to be ate before they get to close to the mouth and have to start using their dry rations.
Handing scout the 150 gp
Scout we would like to keep our dry rations for the other side of deaths mouth. One our way there we plan to hunt some game and refill our water skins at a suitable water source.
Also on behalf of us all I thank you for agreeing to yet again take this journey, especially considering the circumstance of our last return. If you like we will keep our employing your shall we say on the quit to better protect you image in town.
As they travel tortdog apologizes to Scout for his earlier demeanor. Trying to better understand the lay of the land and to fill in his map he asks Scout if he could kindly indicate any watering hole he knows of and places one could take refuge from weather or unkindly by passers.
He also gently pries for information on the layout of the country side, where are known traps, trap doors, guard stations/camps, areas that bandits occupy or cave entrances might lie.
Kalfie pays tortdog for 2 gp for the spare cloak that he seems to have and bundles it up, and carries the rope tortdog bought since he seems to be overburdened.
We are set please lead on ... Scout we do plan on stopping a safe distance to wait till dusk and make our crossing .... Does this seem wise to you?
QUOTE (Krakyn) |
...and carries the rope tortdog bought since he seems to be overburdened. |
Understood JB. tortdog gives Kalfie the rope and 1 or two bags of oats so as to keep both from being over encumbered. If required tortdog will feed his horse as they ride.
ooc JB I am going to be away from Friday to Monday labor day weekend. The party would like to pause the adventure at that time and return to activity on Tuesday. Is this acceptable. I do apologize for this as I was not expecting to leave town until my wife told me were were last night.
1. You need to be exact with the figure - 1 or 2?
2. How will you feed a horse and at the same time ride it?
3. Okay on the break period, just remind me within Party Order the day you actually leave.
After tortdog gives kalfie the rope he checks to see whether he feels over encumbered still. If he does, he gives one oat bag to Kalife and checks again. He and Kalife then check to make sure neither is over encumbered. If Tortdog remains over encumbered and Kalife is not, then Tortdog gives a second oat bag to Kalife.
If still encumbered tortdog will use the feeding bag to place oats in and place on horse. He realizes that with the bag on the horse may be harder to control but at least will be well feed and ready for when they cross the Deaths mouth. Once the horse is done eating the party will require to stop at an appropriate place for watering and removal of the bag to prevent any ear burn. If Kalfie becomes over burdened he will do the same.
(ooc: I do believe with the feed bag on the pace is not fast but able to continue at a moderate pace, carriage horses are where I see then used often. Though picket lines or in Town mounted police use them often.)
Kalfie prior to using the feed bags checks to ensure they have proper drainage holes in case the horse tries to drink while it is on. If unsuitable he will make adjustments to the bags to allow water drainage from feed bags prior to usage.
Edited: krakyn on 29th Aug, 2007 - 4:42pm
As they ride Kalfie ponders their fate and turns to Scout. "I have never been to Greystalk would you have contact there that later we could meet up with that would be useful in training myself or one of the party in our professions?". After noting Scout's answer Kalfie continues "Do you think the king of Greystalk would be willing to send a few soldiers with us as a guard, or perhaps lend better armor then what we have to aid in our quest to secure the safety of the village?" adding hopefully "Or perhaps you know of some one there that would have a great knowledge of the area we seek to enter."
Tortdog as they travel has been and will continue to mark on the map, every thing Scout makes a comment on the surroundings, noting peculiar rock outcroppings, trees, mountain ranges, buildings, camps, and water holes.
The party continues to ride only taking break to water the horses as required. In the break tortdog continues to train his dog. During one of these breaks tortdog shows scout his map he is drawing and asked Scout to point out any errors he sees on it and tortdog makes the required adjustment to this map. Once done he asks Scout "If we find ourselves being chased at or near Death's Mouth, where could we go to hide from those who are seeking us? Would you please help me find it as we go along so that I mark it on this map?"
Along the route Kalfie asks Scout some more questions hoping to gain much needed knowledge for the quest.
1)What do you know of this pass and the other side.
2) Has Scout heard rumors of any parties who made it the southern mountains, and if so how?
3) Might it be safer to go via the east, through the mountain pass there, and run along the mountains to approach Death's Mouth from the other side? If so, why or why not?
4) Has Scout heard of any rumors of friendly people/creatures more aware of Death's Mouth than he, or who inhabit the area of Death's Mouth?
5) What does Scout believe our best chance would be to go through Death's Mouth unseen?
6) Is Scout aware of any locations where former parties may have dropped their equipment which might prove useful to us?
7) "Would Scout be interested in further aiding us for a portion of what ever loot we may find." Kalfie pauses for a moment after this question and adds "Please keep in mind we are hoping to bring evidence of the nature of this trouble back to help protect the village."
8) "Are you aware of any other trails leading into the mountains."
8) "What areas are the Bandits most likely to be found..that is are they concentrated near the Deaths Mouth or any where one might find a cave that provides suitable shelter for a group of armed men and theirs horses."
Kalfie more then a bit red faced at his greenness compared to the seasoned adventurer he follows then adds. "I do apologize I have been babbling like a none ending brook, if you tire of my questions I will understand."