European Equestrian Dressage Championship
The German team won the team title at the European Equestrian Dressage Championship in Hagen near the Teutoburg Forest. The team comprises Klaus Husenbeth, Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff, Hubertus Schmidt and Heike Kemmer, and that is their 21st title in sequence. The team from the Netherlands came second.
Ref. https://www.germnews.de/dn
Congrats to the Germans, but if you are ignorant to the sport like I am then this link will help you get an understanding for what is involved.
Equestrian is the only Olympic sport where man and animal are established team-mates, and one of the few where men and women compete on equal terms. It is the ultimate in team sports, a horse and rider working together for years to hone feats of grace, daring, agility and speed. |