Online Translators

Online Translators - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 2nd Oct, 2005 - 9:06pm

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Do you trust them?
Post Date: 17th May, 2005 - 12:28pm / Post ID: #


Online Translators

Do you use online Translators such as Google? Do you trust their translations to be accurate?

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Post Date: 17th May, 2005 - 9:47pm / Post ID: #

Online Translators
A Friend

Translators Online

I frequently visit foreign language sites, especially when doing my study of religion. I also trust google to properly translate japanese anime sites as well. The problem is that often times pages get translated incorrectly or incompletely. Some times you come across sites that have only some of the words translated, or translated words into sentences that don't make sense. There is a good reason that google calls it beta.

The biggest problem with a computer program is not the word to word translation, but the sentence structure translation. Often times sentence structures are different, especially when translating into english. French rarely directly translates into english without rearranging the words into a proper english sentence.

I don't trust them, but I use them because no one teaches religion like a guru of that religion. The best hindu site I have found is translated by google and is an incomplete translation of the page.

Post Date: 2nd Oct, 2005 - 9:06pm / Post ID: #

Online Translators
A Friend

Online Translators UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I will trust them to a certain extent. For instance, if I am trying to simply decipher a word or two, then there really isn't too much of a problem. I have used a in the past, and found it works pretty well with one or two worded projects.

When I took Latin and French, I did learn a very valuable lesson. The problem with online translation sites is that they usually do not account for feminine, male, or neuter endings of words. In Latin, especially, the endings of words are vitally important. Transferring the Latin, or any other language, into English is not a huge problem, but when you try to translate the English into the foreign language is when I have found a person runs into errors. It does not account for the endings of words.

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