Muslims and Members in General can now use the Quran Search to read the Quran in both English and Arabic. In addition to this you may also listen to the readings of the Quran if you have Real Player installed.
This will help our Muslim members to have a resource whereby they can read or quote from the Quran. Non-muslims may also find this useful to search, learn and understand what the Quran teaches with regards to key issues in today's world.
If you have used this feature please place feedback here.
This is the greatest idea on this forum since the creation of the Bible Search tool! What better way to encourage understanding of another religion that to create a searchable area for their holy scriptures! I can already tell you that I will definintely use this as I have used the Bible Search.
For diversity and discussion from another perspective I was hoping to attract more believers in Islam through the use of this feature, but I believe some are scared off by the dominant Christian Members here that are active. If you know of Muslims who would enjoy using such a feature (it does not require Upgrade) then please do invite them.