Apparently Michael Phelps is getting a lot of criticism for his smoking marijuana, but he also has a big fan base now with those who currently smoke and used to smoke saying to leave him alone.
Check the new "Weedies" box with Phelps on it that is circulating the internet:
Michael Phelps (Hover)
In some parts of the world, college life involves studying, chasing after girls, playing sports and smoking marijuana. I think sometimes when people are successful in sports, the world immediately places the individual on a pedestal and declares the person to be a role model. Of course we all know that nobody is perfect: look at Greg Logaine (cannot remember spelling of his surname). People were shocked when they heard he was gay and some even rejected his alternative lifestyle.
There are two kinds of people who make up the world: those who cheer loudly when someone is successful and others who laugh the loudest when flaws are exposed. The person who circulated this picture of Michael Phelps on a cereal box, obviously seems to be a big fan of smoking weed and also, has insecurity issues. To make light of a moment like this, is very immature and speaks volumes of what this person considers important in life: tearing others down, to make himself feel better. If you think about it, this is another form of cyberbullying! I think to eradicate this cruel behaviour, they should implement fines on the persons who are responsible for this. But then again, others may argue that Michael Phelps was the one who made a poor choice and these are the consequences of his actions.
I have one question which stands out in my mind....How did the British press get this photo before the American press?
I believe the British press got it first since he was in London at the time. I could be mistaken though.
I agree with you Geenie that things like that are part of cyber bulling but how do you stop it if the person who is doing it is hiding and using a mess of hidden ips?
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In addition to the 3 month suspension, he also loses his financial support from USA Swimming. That will definitely put a crimp in his bong!
Seriously, when you take the millions in endorsements, part of the deal is that you keep your act clean. Get paid millions = Dont do stupid things that get reported and keep performing. Yes, it is a double standard from us "ordinary people", as Obama might say, but then again...that pay rate is not exatly ordinary. Omega, Speedo, Kellogg's and Visa are paying him to be a champion (past, present and future), represent their product at all times (association by wearing, eating, using the product) and to conduct themselves in a manner condusive to improving the reputation and sales of the product or service.
Come on, how much do you get paid to wear an Omega watch? If you can afford one! Would it be worth a few million to you to wear a Omega watch and promise not to be a VIP at the hash bar?
If he feels he missed out on college, just go out and booze it up. It is legal...just dont drive. Go around campus and be a happy drunk guy at the party. Heck, Budwieser might even become a sponsor of the picture catches the lable right.
Chances are Bongs-R-Us doesnt pay much for endorsements.
Kellog is dropping his sponsorship as well because "Phelps's behavior is not consistent with the image of Kellogg."
Source 9
Most of his sponsors stand by him and willing to continue supporting him.
He does not know if he will swim in the 2012 games (a personal decision). It seems like an early retirement to me.