If you have not seen the 'Meatrix' then you should:
Go to: https://www.themeatrix.com/
Place reviews after if you like.
I loved this video! Not only do they provide excellent info on the subject, but they provide an alternative, and alternative that I did not know existed! I will be supporting stores and farms listed when I did a search for my zip code from now on. I already knew some of this from the book Fast Food Nation. I recommend that book in addition to this and find out what you are eating. It is very disturbing.
I think it was a fabulous idea, from the cartoon itself to the name of the characters, etc. I think we need to be more conscious about the food we eat and decide whether or not we care enough about these poor creatures, to stop eating meat.
I never knew this before. I mean I heard people talking about it and stuff but never seen it spelled out like that. Doing it with the Matrix theme was cool. I don't know if I can stop eating burgers though. I might stop eating the Mc Nuggets.
Short and to the point, pretty well done for a cartoon, though they missed a few things. I liked the link they made with the Matrix. I hope they make more of these and touch on the topic of genetic alteration.
I did not know baby cows were fed cow blood though, crazy. You learn something new everyday, yay.