Known Bugs
This thread is kept for Bug issues related to our interactive Chess games. Members are asked to be abreast of the content here BEFORE starting a match. If you have found a Bug please Contact the GM about it. Do not start a new thread.
Pawn on 5th Square
There is a bug that allows an opponent's pawn to perform and en passant move if it is on the fifth square regardless to wether you moved your pawn twice or not. Members are asked to be aware of this. Disputes can be handled by sending a PNG to the GM.
Requesting Undo
Sometimes if you request an [Undo] and your opponent accepts, the requesting player does not see the pieces in the correct place on the Board. If clicking on [Reload] does not help then please try logging out and then log back in again.
I tried the forum chess and I liked it and I played it a few times, but the reason I stopped playing it because there is a bug in the game that sometimes stops you from playing the game. The bug mostly strikes on the ending of the game or the beginning of the game. Edited: Felipe on 30th Nov, 2012 - 8:24pm
Installed, Updated & Ready To Be Tested
Here is what's new:
1. On this Board's Index I've restored the Table that gives options for various games, here I will focus on the Chess options. You will see something like:
Forum Chess
* PLAY Chess vs. Computer
* Single Player Chess Talk
* PLAY Multi-Player Chess
* Chess Support
* Chess Invitations
* Chess Rants
* Chess Moves
* Chess Game Results
* Why Chess Sucks
The one I highlighted in bold is the NEW addition, this is where we will be playing Chess from now on. I will be integrating it into here.
2. For now I will manually enter Members. It is on the International Discussions domain and a specific database of its own. You will have the SAME Email, Username and ID on that system, but the difference will be the password. You are encouraged to use a DIFFERENT password than what you use here.
3. There is a Ranking system and FEN available for those of you who know what that is I plan on implementing it here and will show examples of it using matches.