Breast Milk of Oregon Women Contaminated
AP - The breast milk of Oregon women is contaminated with a high level of toxic flame retardants known as PBDEs, researchers say.
I don't read in the article where the contamination came from. Breast milk is made from the female body, so the high levels of PCB would have to come from inside the body. I want to know if it was in the water, food, or air that they breathed. Something like this could actually have been prevented by keeping dangerous chemicals in check before this happened. Another dangerous fact is that to get that level of contamination, they had to have been exposed for an extended period of time. That means that this went uncheck for a long while.
Flame retardant? Why would they specifically be searching for this chemical in women from the Pacific Northwest? This was a targeted study -- in other words, they *know* that PBDEs are present in the environment in that area, and they were comparing the levels with another chemical, PCBs, which were banned in the '70s.
Never at any time do they mention at what level of contamination the women presented with, nor do they mention what a hazardous level would be. All they say is that the milk has PBDE content, and that the level is higher than women that were tested in some un-named area of Europe.
Whether or not women in the Pacific Northwest breastfeed their babies, the babies will be exposed to the same toxins in the environment that their mothers are. They were exposed before birth, as well, because the toxins are already in the mothers' bodies.
And my response is, so what? To what purpose are they releasing this information to the public? Is this a warning to leave the Pacific Northwest prior to becoming pregnant? Ridiculous. There are toxins and hazards no matter where you go. I don't understand what their purpose is in, first of all, testing for these specific toxins, and secondly, why release it to the public?