I am set! Looking forward to playing again! It must be the "right" game for my mind to at least enjoy! Maybe not win...but hey thats not what it is all about anyway! RIGHT? Yeah right!
The 3 and 4 player games are nice, but very long to play out, so we need to have quick games in between the longer ones. To answer this I created 3 two player games for each of you: KN, AlaskanLDS and Krakyn. Besides, I see the Hulkster is gaining on my wins and I cannot have that .
I'm game! Your right about the time frame. Hopefully it seemed extra long because of the long weekend here in America? You can always count on me to help get your win count up! ! Not for too long I hope!
Don't put yourself down AlaskanLDS, I believe you won some games already and decimated my armies. Keep starting as many games as you like and get some wins in!
Rather off topic, but... We have a lot of RPGs that you can join in as well... have you tried the BOM Battles RPG as it is ongoing regardless of when other players show up? |
AK3 is ready for placement! Your up boys!
CHARGE! I bought my own stash of SHE-RAH juice!