User BabyBlues, you have proven your consistency and maturity here so you have been granted Mature user status by the Architect, thus you will now see the Adult Discussion Boards. Before posting within them we advise that you read and become familiar with how posting is conducted within the Mature section via the Sticky Read Me threads.
I have a question. Who would I contact if I'm not too sure about where a topic would belong? I can't use the PM system because I haven't gained enough posts, but it seems like a rather trivial topic to go through e-mailing the webmaster(s).
Do you know that really awesome feeling you get when you check the mailbox and you have a letter or a card from somebody? That really escited "Yay someone loves me!" feeling when it's not a bill? That's how I felt when I saw messages!
JB - Hmm...That is interesting. Actually, I chose her because she was the one who responded to my question. . ....But I gladly take that as a compliment to be compared to respected veteran. As to the RPG: I have done quite a bit of text based RPG, but nothing like the set-up you have here. We do it almost as if we're writing a story, and each person has their own character. I have really gotten into a medieval fetish as of late, and was contemplating the medieval one, but I wasn't quite sure because of lack of experience. I will check out the Love Life one and let you know.
Wyldehorse - I've enjoyed reading your posts as well! I am an education fanatic. Physics, though? **shudder** My fiance is a computer engineer major and loves all things math, whereas I prefer to deal with words. Good luck with that. What military branch are you in?