Will The New Housing Bubble That Bernanke Is Creating End As Badly As The Last One Did?:
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has done it. He has succeeded in creating a new housing bubble. By driving mortgage rates down to the lowest level in 100 years and recklessly printing money with wild abandon Ref. Source 1
Yes, this isn't a bubble this time around. This is simply the normal way home prices rise as supply and demand wax and wane. Right now, there is an incredible demand and that is driving prices up. At least, that's how it is in most of the country.
A decade after housing bust, mortgage industry on shaky ground, experts warn. New regulations on banks fueled a boom in nonbank mortgage companies, a category of independent lenders that are more lightly regulated and more financially fragile than banks. These lenders now originate half of all US home mortgages yet have little capital of their own. Source 3p.